Gyliotrachela luctans van Benthem Jutting, 1950
“Compared with other species of Gyliotrachela the new form from Gunong Pondok is larger and stronger than both G. bensoniana and G. hungerfordiana. It has a lower spire and a longer trumpet than G. transitans and G. crossei, the last whorl enclosing the penultimate one more in G. luctans, although not so much as in G. depressispira. From G. crossei it differs besides in the less numerous oral teeth and in the stronger pinching of the furrows on the ultimate whorl and the free trumpet.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Benthem-Jutting (1949) original descriptions on Gyliotrachela luctans – “Shell consisting of a somewhat conical spire and a free, trumpet-shaped part of the last whorl. Dark reddish-brown, somewhat more yellowish towards the aperture. First 1 ½ whorls smooth, polished. The others irregularly striated with oblique growth lines. There is no spiral striation. Not transparent. Whorls 4¼-4¾ of which 4-4½ are regularly coiled and adnate, and about ¼ whorl free and projecting, the trumpet being directed obliquely upward. Whorls of the spire at first well rounded, afterwards more flattened. Last whorl ascending towards the aperture, thereby enclosing part of the penultimate whorl. Just above and below the periphery the last whorl is somewhat pinched so as to give the shell an angulate appearance. This keel continues on the free part up to the aperture. Opposite this keel, and on the dorsal and vertical sides the trumpet bears three other keels, thus rendering the free part almost square in diameter. Umbilicus open, rather wide, showing all previous whorls. Aperture oblique, somewhat turned upward, but not quite facing the sky, as in G. depressispira. Peristome continuous, thickened and expanded. In the aperture the angular and parietal lamellae are separate. Columellar, upper and lower palatal teeth strong, infraparietal, interpalatal and infrapalatal teeth weak. There is some variation in the lenth of the free part of the last whorl, some shells having a short, others a long trumpet. In one shell I found the parieto-columellar corner of the peristome fixed against the penultimate whorl.”
Gyliotrachela luctans – “Dimensions: Height – 2.1-2.4 mm; Breadth (with peristome) – 3.7-4.3 mm; Breadth (at origin of free part) – 2.2-2.4 mm; Height of aperture – 1.5 mm. (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Type locality – “Gunong Pondok, Padang Rengas, Perak” leg. Benthem-Jutting/1938 (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)