Macrochlamys malaccana (Pfeiffer, 1854)
“Of a hard, polished, Vitrina-like substance.” (Reeve, 1854)
Pfeiffer (1854) original descriptions on Helix malaccana – “H. testa aperte perforate, depressa, tenui, laevigata, iregulariter pustuloso-punctata, castaneo-cornea; spira vix eleata; vertice subtili; sutura distincte marginata; anfract. 5 ½, vix convexiusculis, sensim accrescentibus, ultimo latiore, non descendente, subdepresso, peripheria rotundato; aperture parum oblique, late lunari; perist. simplice, recto, marginibus subconvergentibus, columellaribreviter descendente, superne anguste reflexo.”
Reeve (1854) descriptions on Helix malaccanus – “Shell narrowly umbilicated, depressly orbicular, subtransparent-horny, dark olive, smooth, polished; spire convexly flattened, suture finely margined; whorls five, flattened at the upper part, convex; aperture obliquely lunar, lip simple.”
Helix malaccana – “Diam. maj. 15½, min. 13, alt. 7 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1854)
Type locality – “Province of Quedo, Straits of Malacca” leg. A. Martins (Pfeiffer, 1854); note: Quedo = Kedah
Other localities – “Sumatra: Sukaranda” (Martens, 1900)