Videna timorensis (von Martens, 1867)
“Diese Art konunt den grösseren Formen der folgenden, z. B. derjenigen von Labuan, ziemlich nahe, bleibt aber davon unterschieden durch den minder steil einfallenden, daher weiter erscheinenden Nabel, durch die stärkere und minder gleichmässige Streifung der Oberseite und die flacheren Nähte, sowie durch merkhch langsamere Zunahme der Windungen.” (Martens, 1867)
“Penang specimens, of which I obtained sixteen, entirely agree in form and structure with the shell described by E. von Martens, with the single exception that the last whorl is not descending near the aperture, but there is an inclination to it, as its terminal portion in adult specimens is slightly more bent downwards than the preceeding part. This character is, however certainly a variable one; it does also occasionally occur in adult specimens of T. castra and T. planorbis. The differences noticed by E. v. Martens regarding the greater number of whorls, and the larger umbilicus, with less rapidly descending sides, in timorensis, when compared with planorbis, are well marked in Penang examples.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“Helix swettenhami, de Morgan, Le Naturaliste, 1885, p. 68, and H. thieroti, de Morgan, ibid. p. 68, both belonging to either Trochomorpha or else Plectotropis, do not appear in his second memoir. The latter species probably is the one now mentioned as T. timorensis.” (Möllendorff, 1891)
“Tr. timorensis ist eine durch die ungleichmäβigen, derben und manchmal rippigen Zuwachsstreifen gut charakterisierte Art, die sich meines Erachtens an keine andere bisher beschriebene Form als geographischer Vertreter anschlieβen läβt. Der Nabel ist verschieden weit und manchmal, wie z. B. bei einer der beiden vorliegenden Schalen von Nenas, fast so eng wie bei Tr. bicolor. Oberhalb und unterhalb des Kieles können mehr oder minder deutlich begrenzte rotbraune Bänder vorhanden sien. Engnabelige, gebänderte Stücke sind von groβen Tr. bicolor-Varianten auβer durch die Struktur auch durch die geringere Umngangszahl leicht zu unterscheiden.” (Rensch, 1935)
Martens (1867) original descriptions on Trochomorpha timorensis – “Testa perspective umbilicata, lenticularis, acute carinata, arcuatim distincte striata, lardeo-nitens, fulvocornea, concolor; spira parum emersa; anfr. 6, ultimus antice paululum descendens; apertura valde obliqua, securiformis; peristoma rectum, simplex, margine supero antrorsum convexo, basali leviter concavo, columellari subincrassato.”
“The animal is uniform blackish, mantle more intense black; pedal row distinct and the edge of the foot below it nearly quite smooth; neck and sides covered with small warts; tail gland represented by a very fine slit, scarcely more than half a millimetre long.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“The jaw and radula are quite similar to those of T. castra. The former is about three quarters mill. broad, with somewhat curved out ends and a broadly rounded central projection in the concave edge. The teeth are very slender, and the lateral denticles are very close to the tip on the centre tooth. The outer denticle descends a little lower down on the laterals, but it always appears to remain smaller than on the corresponding teeth of T. castra; the outermost laterals were not observed, they must be very thin. The genital organs are distinguished by a very great length of the seminal receptacle and of the seminal duct; the former is one and a half to nearly two inches long; it is somewhat widened near its origin but further on almost throughout equally thin.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Trochomorpha timorensis – “Diam. maj. 16 ½, min. 14 ½, alt. 5 ½; apert. long. 6, lat. 4 ½ mill.” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha timorensis - “Die beiden Schalen von Nenas messen: Höhe 4.8; 5.7 mm; Durchm. 13.3; 14.7 mm; bei 5-5 ½ Umgangen. Die Schale von Tjamplong miβt: 5.4 mm; Durchm. 12.8 mm, bei 5 ½ Umgängen.” (Rensch, 1935)
Type locality – “Timor, im Innern bei Okabiti, in Waldern; seltener näher der Küste, wie bei Kupang.” (Martens, 1867)
Other localities – “G. Tchöra, près Ipoh (Kinta)” (Morgan, 1885); “Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500 feet.” (Collinge, 1903); “Timor: Nenas & Tjamplong” (Rensch, 1935)
Habitat - “The species is found sparingly on or under old wood all over Penang hill; T. planorbis was not met with there, but is a very abundant shell at the Nicobars.” (Stoliczka, 1873)