Phaedusa filicostata musangensis Loosjes, 1953
“This subspecies reminds one of the previous one, but the protruding aperture with the often broad and white peristome, the higher sinulus and the more dorsal position of the palatal plicae are real differences.” (Loosjes, 1953)
Loosjes (1953) original descriptions on Phaedusa filicostata musangensis – “Shell of small to medium size, turreted-fusiform, spire with straight lateral outlines. Whorls 10 ½ to 12 ½ (the holotype 11 ½). Nuclear whorls regularly attached to the lower whorls; the neck is strongly curved down and looks a bit swollen. The aperture protrudes strikingly; the upper part of the peristome is widely separated from the preceding whorl; peristome white and usually very broadly reflexed. The sinulus is rather high, yet there is no angle or only a faint one in the upper peristomal margin. At the parieto-columellar sie of the sinulus the margin descends to the right corner of the aperture, generally more vertically than in subsp. tenuicosta; from there it runs straight down. The lamellae are not different from those of the subspecies tenuicosta. The closing apparatus lies between the dorsal and the right side. The plica palatalis principalis runs from the right side to somewhat beyond the dorsal side. There is no white callous spot in which the plicae lie. The clausilium shows no peculiarities, the measurements of the plate are 2.2 and 1.3 mm.”
Phaedusa filicostata musangensis – “Length of the shells: 16.1 to 20.2 mm, diam. 3.4 to 4.2 mm; aperture: height 3.6 to 4.7 mm.” (Loosjes, 1953)
Type locality – “Kelantan, Gua Musang” leg. M. W. F. Tweedie/1939 (Loosjes, 1953)
Other locality – “Kelantan, Gua Nenek (7 miles south of Gua Musang)” leg. M. W. F. Tweedie/1939 (Loosjes, 1953)