Opisthoporus dautzenbergi Sykes, 1902
“Related to O. penangensis, Stol., of which I have specimens from Kinta Valley, and which I suspect will prove to equal O. rostellatus, Pfr., but the present species is larger, more solid, differs in ground colour, also the pattern of the colour marking is not carried all over the shell, the lip is larger and more reflected.” (Sykes, 1902)
“Eine gute Art, die schon durch ihre helle Farbe ins Auge fällt. Ich messe 13.2:7, Sykes 13:5 mm.” (Möllendorff, 1902)
Sykes (1902) original descriptions on Opisthophorus dautzenbergi – “Shell much depressed, whitish, irregularly dotted and streaked with reddish brown; whorls 4 ½, protoconch smooth, the residue of the shell being closely an regularly striate, umbilicus large and open, suture deep. The last whorl descends in front; the lip is double, the edge of the incrassated portion being dark brown, while the reflected portion is white. The operculum is soli, many-whorled, white outside and horn-colour within. The tube is narrow, situated about 2 millim from the outer lip, and bend backwards.”
Opisthophorus dautzenbergi – “Alt. 5; diam. max. 13, min. 10.5 millim.” (Sykes, 1902)
Type locality – “Kelantan, Malay Peninsula” leg. J. Waterstradt (Sykes, 1902)