Diplommatina laidlawi Sykes, 1903
“… the costulae more distant, and densely marked with minute spirals. I can find no trace of these latter in D. skeati, but the single specimen was not taken alive.” (Sykes, 1903)
Sykes (1903) original descriptions Diplommatina laidlawi – “Testa sinistrorsa, rimata, ovato-fusiformis, cornea-albida, apice rubello; anfr. 5½, convexi, primi Iaeves, reliqui costulis parvis remotis regulariter sculpti, interstitiis sub lente dense spiraliter striatis; apertura quadrato-circularis, peristomate duplici, expanso, margine columellari sinuato, subalato; lamella columellaris minima, indistincta.”
Laidlaw (1949) descriptions on Diplommatina laidlawi – “Shell ovately fusiform, of 5½ whorls, increasing slowly and regularly to the last whorl, which narrows a little before the mouth. Fine distant ribs, about 14 on the penultimate whorl. Mouth quadrato-circular, peristome with rectangular prominence to the outer side of the columellar margin. Columellar tooth small.”
Diplommatina laidlawi – “Length 2 mm. Breadth max. 1 mm.” (Laidlaw, 1949)
Type locality – “Gunung Inas, 3000-4500 feet, Perak” (Sykes, 1903)
“…under surface of dead leaves, young with adults”. (Sykes, 1903)