Diplommatina lenggongensis nawawii Davison, 1995
“This population is clearly related to D. lenggongensis Tomlin, which was described in 1941 and of which further material was obtained by the author in 1990. D. lenggongensis has approximately nine whorls, measures 3.25 x 1.6 mm, and was referred to in the type description as ‘scalarescent’ (ladder-like) in illusion to the deeply incised sutures resembling steps up the shell. Material collected from Lenggong in 1990 has about 15 wings around the penultimate whorl (i.e., eight or nine wings visible when the shell is viewed laterally). These wings are short and slightly sinuous. They foreshadow the long through-shaped spines of the present subspecies which are more widely spaced.” (Davison, 1995)
Davison (1995) original descriptions – “Resembling topotypical D. lenggongensis Tomlin 1941 from Lenggong, Perak, in that the shell is a tall slender spire of 8.5 to 9 whorls separated by extremely deep sutures, the last five whorls having distant, wavy axial costulae. Differing from topotypical lenggongensis in having fewer, more widely spaced costulae, about nine or ten (rather than about 15) around the penultimate whorl so that five or six are visible in lateral view; each costula being up to double the length of those in specimens from Lenggong, so that the shell appears more extremely spiny, like a little Murex; and in being slightly smaller.”
Diplommatina lenggongensis nawawii – “Shell height – 2.6-2.9 mm; Shell width (excluding costulae) – 1.4-1.5 mm. Aperture diameter 0.6 mm.” (Davison, 1995)
Type locality – “limestone island C, Temengor dam at 230 mm” Leg. Davison/Dec. 29, 1993 (Davison, 1995)
Habitat – On the limestone wall’s surface covered with wet mosses.