Diplommatina streptophora Laidlaw, 1949
Diplommatina pentaechma Laidlaw, 1949
Laidlaw (1949) original descriptions on Diplommatina streptophora – “Shell ovate-acuminate, whorls 6½, inflated and increasing regularly to the end of the penultimate, which is the largest, the last notably less so, giving the shell a collared appearance. Ribs about 10 to the millimetre on the penultimate whorl, in the type the ribs are rather more distant on the earlier whorls. The last whorl tends to run horizontally. Suture well impressed. Mouth vertical, margin of peristome rather pentagonal; not so markedly so as in pentaechma (sp.n. infra).”
Diplommatina streptophora – “Length 2.5 mm, Breadth max. 1.4 mm.” (Laidlaw, 1949)
Type locality – Kramat Pulai, Perak (Laidlaw, 1949)
Other locality – “ridge above Sungai Halong, Temengor FR, 900 m.” leg. Davison/Dec. 29, 1993 (Davison, 1995)
Habitat – In leaf-litters at base of tree in hill dipterocarp forest. (Davison, 1995)