Diplommatina ventriculus von Moellendorff, 1891
“Bukit Pondong (Dr. Townsend), not found by Mr. Hungerford. Dextrorse, 1 ¾ mill. In length. From the figure and description I see no reason why it should be classed as Palaina, as the authors have it.” (Möllendorff, 1886)
“The Kedah specimens are exactly like the topotype. They all have about 20 ribs on the penultimate whorl. Those from Bukit Panching and the Batu Caves have the ribs on that whorl more widely spaced, about 12 or 15 in all. The specimens from Bukit Charas are the most distinct from the type, for whist specimens from all localities are about the same length (3.3 mm.) the Bukit Charas material is less inflated than the rest, and has the greatest breadth of about 1.75 mm. against a breadth of about 1.85 mm in all the others.” (Laidlaw, 1949)
“The last mentioned lot (Ambalutu Estate, near Kisaran, 50 m alt.) contains one sinistral shell.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1959)
Möllendorff (1891) original descriptions Diplommatina ventriculus – “T. dextrorsa, vix rimata, ventricoso-conica, lutescens. Anfr. 7½, convexi, striati, supremi spiram regulariter conicam efficientes, penultimus magnus, ultimus angustior, sat distortus, initio constrictus, tum imflatulus, ad aperturam paullum ascendens, basi subcristatus. Aperfura fere verticalis, angulato-subcirctilaris; peristoma subduplex, sat expansum, incrassatum, albolabiatum, superne appressum, margine basali cum columellari angulum fere rectum calcaris instar prominentem formante. Lamella columellaris fere immersa, oblique intuenti conspicua, spiraliter recedens, palatalis interna, modica, crassiuscula, supra columellam conspicua.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Diplommatina (Sinica) ventriculus – “Schale rechtsgewunden, kaum geritzt, bauchig kegelförmig, gestreift, gelblich; Gewinde regelmässig kegelförmig; 7½ gewölbte Windungen, vorletzte gross, letzte schmaler, stark verdreht, am Beginn eingeschnürt, dann leicht aufgeblasen, vorn wenig ansteigend, unten mit schwachem Kamm; Mündung fast senkrecht, eckig kreisrund; Mundrand fast doppelt, ziemlich ausgebreitet, verdickt, weiss gelippt, oben angedrückt; ünten-and mit dem Spindelrand einen geraden, spornaiügen Vorsprung bildend; Spindelfalte fast eingesenkt, bei schiefem Einblick sichtbar, spiralig zurückweichend, Gaumenfalte innen liegend, massig stark, über der Spindel sichtbar.”
Diplommatina (Sinica) ventriculus – “H. 3, Durchm. 1.75 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902); Diplommatina (Diplommatina) mirabilis – “H. 1.5, Durchm. 0.8 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “Bukit Pondong” leg. R. Hungerford (Möllendorff, 1891)
Other localities – “Malaya; Batu Caves, Selangor” leg. Tweedie (Laidlaw, 1949); “Malaya; Bukit Charas, Pahang” leg. Tweedie (Laidlaw, 1949); “Malaya; Bukit Panching, Pahang” leg. Tweedie (Laidlaw, 1949); “Malaya; Baling, Kedah” leg. Tweedie (Laidlaw, 1949); “Malaya; Gunong Pondok, Perak” leg. Tweedie (Laidlaw, 1949); “Sumatra; Brastagi, 1750 alt.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1959); “Sumatra; Kampong Karangredjo, near Pematang Siantar, 400 m alt.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1959); “Sumatra; Estate Sungei Kopas, near Kisaranm 100 m alt.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1959); “Sumatra; Ambalutu Estate, near Kisaran, 50 m alt.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1959); “Bukit Chintamani” (Berry, 1961); “Kelantan; Ciku 4, (5°04’00”N, 102°11’45”E)” (Davison & Kiew, 1990); “Kelantan; Gua Panjang, (4°48’00”N, 102°00’00”E)” (Davison & Kiew, 1990)
NCB.naturalis collection RMNH 5539 at Baling, Kedah, Malaysia.
NCB.naturalis collection b at Gunung Layang layang, Perak, Malaysia.