Pupina arula perakensis von Moellendorff, 1891
Diagnostic description:
“The Perak form is smaller, 8 instead of 9 millim. In length, comparatively more slender, showing a diameter of 2; 1 instead of 9:5; the apex is more pointed.” (Möllendorff, 1891)
Möllendorff (1891) original descriptions on Pupina arula perakensis – “testa minore, graciliore, apice acutiore”
Pupina arula perakensis – “alt. 8, diam. 4mm.” (Möllendorff, 1891)
Type locality – Pupina arula perakensis “Bukit Pondong” leg. Townsend & Hungerford (Möllendorff, 1891)