Atopos punctata Collinge, 1902
“A figure of a small piece of the notum much enlarged shows that the wart-like bodies vary greatly in size, as do also the blacki spots.” (Collinge, 1902)
Collinge (1902) original descriptions on Atopos punctata – “Colour of notum, yellow spotted with dark blue or black, granulated head and tentacles yellowish; underside (Perinotum?) yellow; foot-sole yellow with closely set transverse wrinkles; keel fairly prominent.”
Atopos punctata – “Length of notum (in alcohol) 35, breadth 4, height 4 millim. Breadth of foot-sole 2 millim. Female generative orifice 7 (?) millim. (*It is exceedingly difficult in small species like these, which have become hardened and somewhat brittle by immersion in alcohol, to be certain of the actual orifice) from the male generative orifice.” (Collinge, 1902)
Type locality - “Hills near Biserat, State of Jalor” (Collinge, 1902)