Paraboysidia kelantanensis kelantanensis (Sykes, 1902)
“Belongs to the group of B. boettgeri, Mlldff., from Java, and B. palmira, Stol., from Penang; compared with the latter the last whorl is more distorted and gibbous and the relative proportions of height and breadth differ, the present species being also much larger.” (Sykes, 1902)
“This species is notable for the angular lamella, which converges to and joins the parietal, It as having a small interpalatal plica, no basal and no infraparietal. Probably the basal and infraparietal are variable. It is related, though not closely, to G. crossei and its group, and to the Javan B. boettgeri.” (Pilsbry, 1918)
“In the author’s specimen of Paraboysidia kel. kelantanensis before me there is no interpalatal fold, which is in accordance with Pilsbry’s figure, but not with Sykes’s diagnosis and figure. Also this specimen has a double lower palatal fold.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Sykes (1902) original descriptions on Boysidia kelantanensis – “Shell umbilicate, obliquely striated, chestnut brown. Whorls 4 ½-5, very convex and suture deep, apex blunt, the last whorl somewhat distorted, obscurely angulated at the periphery. Aperture rounded, not solute from the last whorl. Parietal lamella strong, 3 other well marked teeth inside the outer lip, and one each side of the lamella.”
Pilsbry (1918) descriptions on Boysidia (Paraboysidia) kelantanensis – “The shell is conic, perforate, chestnut-brown, most minutely granulate, and having some widely-spaced lines of growth, composed of nearly 5 strongly convex whorls, the last half of the last whorl straightened, horizontal, angular at the periphery, flattened below the angle, the rest of the base convex; the umbilicus has a spiral furrow within, and there is a depression behind the outer lip, just above the periphery. The aperture is very slightly oblique, squarish with rounded angles. The angular lamella is very low, converging within to and joining the parietal. Parietal lamella short, rather strong. A tubercular infraparietal near the columella. Columellar lamella short, horizontal. Upper and lower palatal plicas strong, a concavity of the wall between them. Basal plica small and short. All of the teeth are densely set with microscopic pointed granules. Peristome thin, well expanded, continuous, and barely free from the preceding whorl above.”
Möllendorff (1902) descriptions on Boysidia kelantanensis – “T. anguste umbilicata, turbinata, tenuiuscula, oblique leviter striatula, opaca, corneo-brunnea. Spira sat elevate lateribus convexiusculis, apice obtusulo. Anfr. 4 ½ perconvexi, ultimus paullum distortus et ascendens, circa umbilicum subcompressus, ad peripheriam obtuse angulatus, antrorsum carinula obtusa cinctus. Apertura fere verticalis, rotundato-rhomboidea; peristoma continuum, breviter expansum, sublabiatum. Lamellae parietales 2, angularis brevis, humilis, altera illi aproximata, a margine remota, valde elevata; columellaris sat valida, dentibus basali et externo in formam crucis oppositis.”
Boysidia kelantanensis – “Alt. 3; diam. max. 2 millim.” (Sykes, 1902); “Diam. 2.4, alt. 3 mm.” (Möllendorff, 1902); Paraboysidia kelantanensis kelantanensis – “Alt. 3.2, diam. 2.5 mm.” (Sykes, 1902) .” (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Type locality - “Kelantan, Malay Peninsula” leg. J. Waterstradt (Sykes, 1902)