Gastrocopta palmira (Stoliczka, 1873)
“This is of exactly the same type as the Arrakanese P. filosa, described at p. 333 of the Journal for last year, but it is larger, more cylindrical, and has one tooth more in the aperture. From P. avanica it differs by less closely wound whorls, and by the internal dentition of the aperture.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Stoliczka (1873) original descriptions on Pupa (Scopelophila) palmira – “P. testa ovate cylindracea, rimata, sordide albida, cornea, apice obtusiuscula; anfractibus quinque, convexism gradatim accrescentibus, sutura simplici junctis, sublaevigatis, fere politis, lineis nonnullis incrementi transverses obliquis, exilissimis notata; aperture fere verticali, subquadrangulari, intus quinque-dentata, albida; labro undique expansiusculo atque paulum incrassato, extus infra suturam sinuoso, intus profunde bidentato, (dente supero minori), ad basin dente unico minuto et ad medium collumellae altero fortiori instructo; labio tenui, adnato, extra medium prope angulum posteriorem aperturae dente lamelliforme bipartito munito.”
Stoliczka (1873) English descriptions on Pupa (Scopelophila) palmira – “Shell ovate-cylindric, rimate, dull whitish, corneous, apex rather obtuse. Whorls 5, convex, gradually increasing, joined by a simple suture, rather smooth, nearly polished, marked with a few transverse, oblique lines of growth. Aperture nearly vertical, subquadrangular, 5-toothed within, whitish; lip a little expanded throughout, and slightly thickened, sinuous outwardly below the suture, bidentate deep within, the upper tooth smaller, at the base having a single minute tooth, and in the middle of the columella another stronger one; labium thin, adnate, provided with a bipartite, lamelliform tooth above the middle, near the posterior angle.”
Pupa (Scopelophila) palmira – “Long. testae 2.15, latit. 1, long. apert. 0.8, lat. 0.6 mm.” (Stoliczka, 1873); Pupa (Scopelophila) palmira – “Length 2.15, diam. 1, length of aperture 0.8, width 0.6 mm.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Type locality – “Penang et in Provincia Wellesley dicta, sub corticem Cocos nucifera; testa rarissima.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“It appears to be a very rare species. I found one specimen under the bark of a coconut tree on Penang, and two others on the opposite coast, in the Wallesley Province.” (Stoliczka, 1873)