Ptychopatula orcula (Benson, 1850)
Benson (1850) original descriptions on Helix orcula – “Testa vix perforate, conico-globosa, cornea, translucente, scabra, oblique irregulariter costulato-striatissima; apice obtuso; anfractibus 3½ covexis, ultimo rotundato, sutura profunda; aperture obliqua rotundata spiram vix aequante; peristomate tenui acuto, margine columellari reflexo, perforationem semitegente.”
Helix orcula – “Diam. 2, axis 2 mill.” (Benson, 1850)
Type locality – “in agro Bengalensi et Baharico” leg. Burkinyoung/ Jul. 1836 (Benson, 1850)
“He (Burkinyoung) found the species in a mango grove, distant a day’s march from Jounpore, and on the road thence to Benares, creeping on the trunks of tree, during very heavy rain.” (Benson, 1850)