Hemiplecta pluto (Pfeiffer, 1862)
Junior synonym of Hemiplecta distincta (Pfeiffer, 1850)
“Two forms of this species, both smaller than the type or the variety pluto, are in the present collection from Tonkin. In the first (var. funerea) the shell is of an almot uniform purplish-black tint, redder towards the apex, the suture being sometimes indistinctly margined with yellow. The peristome is yellowish and a former lip is also visible at a considerable distance from the aperture. The body-whorl is not quite so inflated below the keel as in var. pluto or the type. The largest specimens is 53 millim. in its greatest diameter, and appears to be adult. The second variety (var. pallidior), of about the same size, is yellowish or olive-yellow, with a broad brownish-black band below the periphery and distinctly visible within the aperture. In both these varieties the umbilicus is rather narrower than in the typical form from Siam or the var. pluto from Camboja. If the form pluto, an intermediate link, were unknown, the two present varieties would probably be regarded as constituting a distinct species.” (E. A. Smith, 1898)
“Mr. Hungerford obtained a single specimen of a fine large Nanina, diam 55, alt. 32 mill. It is greenish-brown with a narrow dark brown band round the periphery and another broader one round the umbilicus, the periphery is obtusely angulate, the spiral rugose sculpture is coarser above, finer and more regular at the base; 6 moderately convex whorls form a little elevated spire. The nearest relation seems to be Nanina pluto, Pfr., from Cambodja, but it is probably a new species which I do not care to describe from a single example.” (Möllendorff, 1886)
Pfeiffer (1862) original descriptions on Helix pluto – “T. umbilicata, depressa, solidula, superne striis spiralibus et aliis antrorsum descendentibus minute sculpta, nitidula, fusco-nigricans,fasciis nonnullis pallidioribus notata; spira breviter conoideo-elevata, vertice obtusulo; anfr. 5 ½, convexiusculi, ultimus magnus, supra medium distincte angulatus, subtus convexus, lutescens, circa umbilicum angustum striis spiralibus subundulatis sculptus; aperture oblique, rotundato-lunaris, intus concolor, margaritacea; perist. simplex, rectum, marginibus convergentibus, columellari ad insertionem breviter fornicato-reflexo.”
Helix pluto – “Diam. maj. 61, min. 49, alt. 30 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1862)
Type locality – Helix pluto “Lao Mountains, Camboja” leg. Mouhot (Pfeiffer, 1862)