Sitala infula (Benson, 1848)
“Formerly indicated as H. turbiniformis, mihi, in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. This name being used by Pfeiffer for another species, I have altered it for one of nearly similar signification. H, infula occurred to me in 1835 on the leaves of trees and shrubs at the two places above-noted. The animal has a caudal protuberance like Nanina, but no expansion of the mantle, and is whitish spotted with brown, which, appearing through the translucent shell, gives the species a beautiful appearance when newly captured. At first sight it appeared as if the colours resided in the shell.” (Benson, 1848)
“The largest specimen I have seen in same collection, from Talchir, measures - major diam. 8.5, alt, axis 7.0 mm., showing how these local races or varieties differ. On a close examination of four Calcutta specimens, seven distinct spiral ribs, crossed by fine transverse oblique costulation, were counted, the ribs being less distinct on the last whorl. In the two specimens from Talchir this spiral sulcation is much wider apart, and only five could be counted on each whorl.” (Godwin-Austen, 1882)
“This has the general outline of S. infula, Bens., but the first five whorls have each a single well-marked spiral rib, while the last whorl has two. There is a specimen of the same species (unnamed) in the British Museum, from Kelantan.” (Collinge, 1903)
Benson (1848) original descriptions on Helix infula – “Testa subperforata, globoso-conica, subtrochiformi, albido-cornea, pellucida, supra minime nitente, lirieis distantibus parum elevatis cincta, subtus subnitente, radiato-striata, striis remotiusculis concentricis ornata; spira subconica, apice obtuso; anfractibus sex convexiusculis, ultimo angulato, infra convexiusculo; aperture subquadrato-lunata, peristomate acuto, margine columellari verticali, prope perforationem subreflexo.”
Helix infula – “Diam. maj. 7 mill. Axis 5 mill.” (Benson, 1848); Sitala infula – “Major diam. 8.0, alt. Axis 5.5 mm.” (Godwin-Austen, 1882)
Type locality – Helix infula “prope urbem Murshedabad Bengaliae, necnon prope collem Patharghata, provinciae Bahar.” (Benson, 1848)
Other localities – “Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500 feet.” (Collinge, 1903)