Macrochlamys stephoides Stoliczka, 1873
“The nearest ally of this species, as regard general character and size, is the Andamanese Macroch. stephus (Benson), differing form the present species by a somewhat more depressed form and by having the sides of the spire nearly straight or slightly concave, but not convex. Macroch. hyalina, Martens, is also very closely allied, it is a larger shell and with a more rapid increase of the volutions, the difference between the smaller and larger diameters being 2.5 mm. In Burma and Sikkim several other allied forms occurs, such as M. hypoleuca, patane, petasus, &c., but they are all smaller and more depressed shells.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
“Von Pinang und Perak bekannt. Die Stücke von Kelantan sind etwas grösser – 12.7:7.6 mm. statt 11.6:7 und haben ½ Windung mehr, 6 ½ statt 6, sind aber sonst ganz übereinstimmend.” (Möllendorff, 1902)
Stoliczka (1873) original descriptions on Macrochlamys stephoides – “M. orbicular, spira depresse convexiuscula, basi medio concaviuscula, angustissime perforate, tenui, succineo cornea, unicolore, circa umbilicum albescente;anfractibus sex, lentissime accrescentibus, sutura lineari junctis, infra suturam angustissimis, nonnuquam fere omnino obsoletis, notatis, supra convexiusculis; ultimo ad peripheriam fere uniforme convexo; aperture subsemilunari, vix oblique, labio per-tenui, labro simplici, ad basin paulum sinuose producto, ad insertionem umbilicalem anguste atque breviter reflexo.”
“The animal is long and very slender, blackish grey above and on the pedicles, paler at the sides of the foot, which has a long and thin horn above the tail gland. Both shell and neck lobes are well developed, the right ones larger than the respective left ones. The two shell lobes are linguiform, and the right one, when fully expanded, covers almost half of the upper surface of the shell. The lower portion of the left neck-lobe is merely represented by a slightly thickened rim, extending form the place of insertion of left shell-lobe to near the umbilicum.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
“The jaw is one mill. broad, with a central rounded tooth in the concave edge and with the corners somewhat bent outwardly; a form which is also with in several other species of Macrochlamys. The radula has not been perfect, but it does not appear to have been more than four mill. long, and there appear to have been at least 101 teeth in each transverse row; all with very sharp points; the central with a distinct denticle on either side, and the last laterals with two small unequal cusps; all have the basal plate obtusely narrowed outwardly. The genital organs are very similar to those of M. Indicus, Benson, but much more slender; the amatorial gland is very thin (in young specimen), there is a small caecal appendage on the vas deferens, and a flagellum at the base of the penis, just before a swelling filled with calcareous particles.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
Macrochlamys stephoides – “Diam. maj. 11.6, d. Min. 10.7, alt. 7, alt. apert. cum perist. 4.8, ejusdem lat. 5.6 mm.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Type locality - “at the base of Penang Hill, about 300 feet.” (Stolizcka, 1873)
Other localities – “Kelantan” (Möllendorff, 1902)