Baiaplecta lowi (de Morgan, 1885)
“This species can no longer be retained in the genus Helicarion, Fer., which seems to be repository to certain authors for all thin semi-transparent shells of three or four whorls. It is closely related to certain species of Ariophanta, in which the dart is represented by a small simple muscular organ, and for such I would suggest that the name of Nilgiria, Godw.-Aust., should be retained.” (Collinge, 1903)
Morgan (1885) original descriptions on Helicarion lowi – “Helicarion testa dextrorsa, tenui, fragilissimi, translucida, coerulea, subglobulosa, 4 anfractibus composita, ornata striis tenuissimis paralleliter lineis aetatis et lineis parvulis muricatim retortis, paulum umbilicata: apertura lata, elliptica, ante ultimo anfracta largiter incisa, peristomate recto, labro columellari retlexo ad umbilicum.”
Morgan (1885) French descriptions on Helicarion lowi – “Dextre, mince, très fragile et transparente, subglobuleuse, composée de 4 tours de spire, ornée de stries très confuses suivant l'enroulement de la coquille; ombilic très étroit; ouverture très grande, elliptique, largement échancrée par l'avantdernier tour, péristome droit, très columellaire, réfléchi vers l'ombilic. Couleur - Cette coquille est parfaitement transparente, sa coloration est d'un beau vert jaune.”
“The animal is a deep chrome yellow, with dark-blue or greenish-blue blothes; the head and tentacles are also a dark greenish-blue colour. The peripherial groove is well defined, and terminates below the large caudal mucous pore. The foot-fringe is yellow, marked with irregular blothes of blue; the foot-sole a dirty yellow and marked by a shallow median groove, possibly due to the alcohol. The extremity of the foot terminates bluntly. The specimen measured 31 mm. in length, and foot-sole 9 mm. in breadth. The shell was broken, but at least a third less than that described and figured by de Morgan. It has four whorls, and is thin and horn-coloured.” (Collinge, 1903)
“The vestibule is a wide sac-like pouch, into which the penis and dart-sac open at the right and left sides opposite to one another, while posteriorly is the opening of the vagina. The receptaculum seminis is a wide tubular sac, and of considerable length. The free-oviduct, common duct, and albumen gland call for no special mention. The penis is a long thick muscular organ, with a definite epiphallus and kalk sac, the vas deferens joining it just below this latter organ. The retractor muscle is inserted at the distal end of the penis, at which point the latter organ exhibits a slight enlargement. Internally there is a large long penis which distally exhibits a peculiar spongy-like cap or covering, this specimen was in only poor condition, and I was therefore unable to make out the structure as clearly as I should have liked. The dart gland and dart sac are of the usual form, and in the latter there is present a small muscular papilla very similar to those present in other species of Nilgiria.” (Collinge, 1903)
Helicarion lowi – “Dimensions. — Hauteur, 16 mm; largeur maxima, 32 mm; longueur de l'ouverture, 22 mm; largeur de l'ouverture, 18 mm.” (Morgan, 1885)
Type locality – “sommet du mont Kerbou, vers 2200 mètres d'altitude au-dessus du niveau de la mer” (Morgan, 1885)
Other localities – ”Bukit Besar, 3000 feet.” (Collinge, 1903); “Malay Peninsula; Cameron Highlands” (Laidlaw, 1933); “Malay Peninsula; Larut Hills” (Laidlaw, 1933)