Vitrinopsis nucleata (Stoliczka, 1873)
“A characteristically distinct species, by having the nucleus composed of one and a half whorls, conically tumid, while the next whorl is at its beginning only very narrowly exposed, or almost entirely covered. The outer lip is very thin, almost membranaceous, and simple throughout.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Stoliczka (1873) original descriptions on Vitrina nucleata – “Vit. Testa depresse ovata, tumidula, tenui, pallide cornea, translucente; anfractibus 3.75, nucleo 1.5 anf. Composito, late conico, inflato, laevigato, duobus anf. Sequentibus ad suturam adpressis, subeanaliculatis, rapide accrescentibus, nitidis, transversim striis incrementi minutissimis notatis; aperture ampla, per-obliqua, labio undique tenuissimo, ad basin valde recedente, margine supero convexiusculo.”
Martens (1883) descriptions on Helicarion nucleatus – “Testa subglobosa, tenuis, diaphana, vix striatula, nitida, fulvocornea, fascia suturali rufescente; spira paulum prominula, sutura leviter impressa; anfr. 3½, primus sat magnus, secundi pars visibilis perangusta; apertura ampla, sat obliqua, rotundata, margine supero leviter, infero et columellari valde arcuatis.”
Martens (1883) Deutsch descriptions on Helicarion nucleatus – “Schale annähernd kugelig, dünn, durchscheinend, mit schwachen Wachstliumsstreifen, glänzend bräunlichgelb, ein röthliches Band an der Naht. Gewinde wenig vorstehend, erste Windung ziemlich gross, der von aussen sichtbare Theil der zweiten viel schmäler, was dem ganzen Gewinde ein ungewöhnliches Ansehen giebt und ihr den Namen nucleata, mit ungewöhnlich grossem Nucleus, d. h. erster Windung, verschafft hat. Im Uebrigen ist die Schale der vorher gehenden recht ähnlich, nur dass sie viel kleiner bleibt, obwohl sie eine grössere Windungszahl hat.”
“The animal is entirely black, only slightly paler at the front sides of the foot; it is very long and slender, its total length being about four times that of the longer diameter of the shell; the anterior part is the much shorter one, the posterior tapers into a point, and the whole is warty and grooved. The mantle, however, is nearly smooth. In quite fresh specimens the two shell lobes entirely cover the shell, but generally the left lobe covers a little more than one fourth of the last whorl extending from the margin of the mouth, while the right lobe also covers one-fourth of it beginning at the angle of the mouth, but at the same time also envelopes the whole spire. The neck lobes are also well developed, rounded, with simple edges, the left is much larger and longer than the right one. The sole of foot is pale brown, divided by two grooves in nearly three equal parts, of which the median is smooth and the lateral transversely sulcated. Pedal row well marked by a thin groove above and along the entire base of foot.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“The jaw is semilunar, radiately finely striated, with a blunt projection in the centre of the concave edge; the outer or convex portion is smooth; it measures about 0.75 mm in breadth. The radula is about two mill. long and half a mill. broad; there are 110 tranverse, almost quite straight rows, but only 61 teeth in each of them. All have very sharply pointed cusps, the central has two small lateral denticles on either side; on the outer ones these denticles almost entirely disappear.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“The genital organs are distinguished by a great length of the uterus, at the end of which lies a large albuminous, and hermaphrodite gland. The seminal receptacle is a long, pedunculated, spacious bag which includes a peculiarly twisted, horny organ, provided on the concave side with short crispate appendage. It is the same problematic organ which I described in Sesara infrendens, Gld., and Macrochlamys (Durgella) honesta, Gld., (Comp. J. A. S. B. XL., Pt. II, p. 242 an 250, pl. xvi. Fig. 5 and 6, and pl. xvii, fig. 13). Whether this structure represents the amatorial organ and whether that which we call a seminal receptacle really possesses the function which we attribute to it, appears to be as yet an open question. In the present species I found the terminal end and the so-called seminal receptacle filled with a milky substance, which under a high power exhibited a quite irregular flaky appearance.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
“In other respects the present species does not offer any anatomical peculiarities. The aesophagus is comparatively thin, long, cylindrical. The kidney, situdated near the end of the rectum, is very large, of a broadly triangular shape; the lover enormously developed.” (Stoliczka, 1873)
Vitrina nucleata – “Diam. maj. 9, diam. minor 7, alt. Test. 5.3, alt. Aperturae 4.8, ejusdem latitudo 6.1 mm.” (Stoliczka, 1873); Helicarion nucleatus – “Diam. maj. 8, min. 6, alt. 7, apert. diam. 5, alt. oblique 5 millim.” (Martens, 1885)
Habitat – “on the Penang hill in dense forest on old wood, about 1000 feet above the sea, and two more old shells at the base of the hill.” (Stoliczka, 1873)