Videna bicolor (von Martens, 1864)
“Bei den höheren Exemplaren erscheint die Basis flacher und die Kante um den Nabel wird deutlicher. Einzelne Exemplare aus Borneo lassen auch an der Unterseite eine Spiralstreifung erkennen.” (Martens, 1867)
“With spiral striae on the under surface, as stated by V. Martens (1. c. p. 253) for some Bornean specimens.” (Schepman, 1896)
“As has been pointed out in the above description, there is some variation in the extension of the brown spiral band. In some samples the brown band appears late, at about the region of the fourth and one-half whorl. The preceding whorls are unicolorous. The elevation of the spire may also very in different individuals.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Martens (1867) descriptions on Trochomorpha bicolor – “Testa modice umbilicata, depresse conica, carinata, striatula, nitida, supra lineis spiralibus subtilibus sculpta, castanea, regione suturali, carina et periomphalio albidis: spira conica. Altitudine varians: anfr. 5½-6, convexiusculi, ultimus circa umbilicum subangulatus, antice haud descendens; apertura diagonalis, securiformis, peristoma rectum, ubique acutum, margine basali et columellari valde arcuatis.”
Benthem-Jutting (1952) description on Trochomorpha bicolor – “Shell low conical, almost lens-shaped, yellow or light brown with a spiral zone of chestnut above and below the periphery, at a little distance from the peripheral keel. In some shells this bands is only narrow, exhibiting a large part of the yellow ground colour; in others the band is broad leaving only narrow strips of yellow on either side. The contours of the dark zone are generally vague, although there are also individuals in which they are well marked. First 1 ½ whorls smooth, subsequent ones finely and regularly striated in the direction of the lines of growth. This structure is generally crossed by still finer spiral striae. Somewhat shining, little or not transparent, more solid than Trochomorpha planorbis or Tr. concolor. Whorls 5 ½-6 ½, regularly increasing in width, sharply keeled at the periphery by a somewhat pinched carina. Apex blunt. Above the keel the profile of the whorls is almost flat, hence the suture is not, or only slightly, impressed. Last whorl not descending towards the aperture. Base rather flat, evenly rounded towards the moderately wide umbilicus. Aperture oblique, rhombiform, with a rounded basal angle. Peristome not continuous, sharp, not thickened or reflected.”
Solem (1964) descriptions on Videna bicolor – “has the red color bands reaching at least to the midpoint of the whorl, not nearly as sharp a keel, strong radial growth lines on the upper surface and many spiral lines on the shining base of the shell.”
Trochomorpha bicolor – “Diam. maj. 12-14½, min. 11½-12½, alt. 5½-6; apert. long. 5-2/3, lat. 4-4½ mill.” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha bicolor – “Dimensions: Height 5 to 6 mm, width 13 to 14 mm, height of aperture 4 to 4½ mm” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); Trochomorpha (Videna) bicolor – 2 typisch gezeichnete Exemplare: Höhe 4.8; 4.3; Durchm. 11.3; 10.1 mm; Umgänge 5 ¾; 5 ½.
Other localities – “Sumatra: Palembang und Benkulen” (Martens, 1867); “Sumatra: Kepahiang und Rinduhati” (Martens, 1867); “Westl. Borneo: Singkawang, Montrado, Bengkajang, Lumar, Mandhor und Pontianak” (Martens, 1867); “Java: Wonosari im Tengergebirge” (Martens, 1867); “Kusan and Penggiron districts in South-eastern Borneo” leg. W. Doherty (Aldrich, 1889); “Mount Kenepai” and “Smitau” leg. Büttikofer (Schepman, 1896); ”Baramflusses in Nord-Borneo” (Kobelt, 1897); “Mittel-Java: Am Ngebel-See im Willis-Gebirge” (Rensch, 1934); “Lombock” leg. Martens (E. A. Smith, 1899); “West Java: waterfall Tjianten, Leuwiliang, 300 m, and Gunung Tjibodas, Tjampea, near Bogor, 300 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “West Java: limestone hills near Padalarang, in earth at the base of the rocks, 700 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “West Java: Mt. Masigitm 700 m and Radjamandala, 200 m, near Padalarang” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “West Java: environs of Bandung, 800 m, and those of Maribaja, 1000-1100 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “Central Java: Penawangan” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “Central Java: Lake Ngebel, Mt. Wilis” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “Central Java: Mantingan, near Rembang, 100 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “Central Java: Kali Besek, near Sulang, 50 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Southern Mts, near Pasuruan, 1200 to 1500 feet” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Tengger Mts, 1200 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Malang, 500 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Wonosari” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Djabung, near Wlingi, 800 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Kali Mrawan, E of Djember, 1000 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Glen Falloch, 1200 feet” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Glen Nevis, 1250 feet” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); “East Java: Blawan, Idjen plateau, 950 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Distributions – “Borneo, Sumatra, Mentawei-Inseln, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Seran, Obi” (Rensch, 1934); “Malaya, Sumatra, Mentawei, P. Sangiang, Java, Borneo, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Ceram, Obi” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
“Living in the wood, on the ground, among dead leaves, low shrubs etc. moving only in wet weather. From my data it appears that Trochomorpha bicolor is recorded between 50 and 1200 m alt.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)