Videna planorbis (Lesson, 1830)
“Questa varietà si distingue non solo per le piccole dimensioni, ma ancora per la depressione della conchiglia, per la ampiezza dell' ombellico e sopratutto perchè è coperta di strie oblique (non spirali) ed ha le suture marginate.” (Issel, 1874)
“The species is varying in flatness. Sometimes the spire is a little elevated, in other shells it is lying in one plane. The spiral striation is also little constant, in some specimens it is present on both the upper and lower sides, in others only on one side, or not at all. This diversity has given rise to naming of several varieties, e.g. appropinquata Martens, lessoni Matens, javanica Mousson, nummus Issel, which, however, have little systematic value.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
“The specimens preserved as Trochomorpha zollingeri Pfeiffer, 1851 from Java in the Mousson Collection at Zurich (5 shells collected by Zollinger in 1847 and one shell collected by Gealle in 1875), in my opinion are certainly Tr. planorbis Lesson, and not as Martens, 1867, p. 251, suggested Tr. lardea Martens, 1867. They have the very flat shape and the very wide umbilicus of Tr. planorbis and they lack the solid edge along the peristome of Tr. lardea. Whether they are synonymous with the original Tr. zollingeri (Pfeiffer, 1851) described from “Java?” I must leave undecided. Martens considered the true Tr. zollingeri Pfeiffer related to, although not identical with, Tr. tricolour Martens. Only the examination of the original lot can clear up this uncertainty.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Martens (1867) descriptions on Trochomorpha planorbis – “Testa perspective umbilicata, conico-lenticularis, acute carinata, striatula, nitidula, tenuis, corneo-lutescens, carina albida, utrinque saepius fusco-limbata; spira breviter conica; anfr. 5-5½, vix convexiusculi, ultimus antice non aut vix deflexus; aperture diagonalis, rhombeo-securiformis, peristoma rectum, simplex (?), margine supero stricto, basali arcuato.”
Martens (1867) descriptions on Trochomorpha planorbis appropinquata – “supra et infra distincte spiratim striata.”
Martens (1867) descriptions on Trochomorpha planorbis lessoni – “infra subtilissime spiratim striata.”
Martens (1867) descriptions on Trochomorpha planorbis javanica – “striis spiralibus haud conspicuis.”
Issel (1874) original descriptions on Trochomorpha planorbis nummus - “Paululum minor, depressa, late umbilicata, oblique striatula; anfractus 5½-6 planulati, sutura marginata separati.”
Möllendorff & Kobelt (1901) descriptions on Trochomorpha (Videna) planorbis - “Testa parva umbilicata, unibilico 2/9, latitudinis testae adaequante, subconico-depressa, solidiuscula, acute carinata, corneo-flavescens, subnitens, utrimque fusco-taeniata, taeniis latiusculis carinam albam attingentibus; spira sat elevata, subregulariter depresso-conica; apex acutiusculus. Anfractus 5½ couvexi, lente accrescentes, sutura impressa albofilosa disjuncti, substriati, superne minutissime granulati, ultimus infra minus convexus, spiraliter modice lineolatus, antice non descendens. Apertura obliqua, spliaerico-triangularis, modice excisa; peristoma simplex, margo superus liaud protractus, basalis et eoluniellaris incrassato-callosi.”
Benthem-Jutting (1952) description on Trochomorpha planorbis – “Shell very low conical, shaped like a flat lens. Buff or light brown, sometimes milky white, occasionally with a narrow, vague, spiral band of darker brown just above and below the periphery. First 1 ½ whorls smooth, the subsequent ones finely and regularly striated in the direction of the growth lines. In some shells there is an additional spiral striation, either on one side (upper or lower) or on both sides. Thin and somewhat shining, especially on the base. Somewhat transparent so that the dark blotches of the mantle shine through. Whorls 5 ½ to 6, regularly increasing in size. The spire very little elevated, lying almost in one plane. Sharply keeled at the periphery by a pinched carina which is somewhat lighter than the rest of the shell. Apex blunt. Above the carina the profile of the shell is almost flat, hence the suture is not, or only slightly impressed. Last whorl not descending towards the aperture. Base rather flat, rounded, or somewhat angular round the very wide umbilicus. Aperture oblique, rhombiform, with a rounded basal angle. Peristome not continuous, not, or only slightly thickened, sharp, not reflected.”
Solem (1964) descriptions on Videna planorbis – “at most only has a faint pair of color bands, the whorls are narrower, the base has more spiral lines, and the upper surface has relatively prominent radial growth lines.”
“Animal, according to Messrs Sarasin (1899, Landmoll. Celebes, p. 172), with a black foot. The ground colour of the mantle is also black, with white flecks arranged in transverse rows. This black an white pattern is visible through the shell.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
“Radula 47.1.47. The central tooth and the adjoining laterals unicuspid, the outer latero-marginals bicuspid. Mandibula without transverse ribs.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
Trochomorpha planorbis appropinquata – “Diam. maj. 11, min. 9, alt. 5; apert. long. 5, lat. 4 mill.” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis lessoni – “Diam. maj. 14 ½-16, min. 12-14, alt. 5-6; apert. long. 6-6½, lat. 5 mill.” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis javanica – “Diam. maj. 12 ½-15½, min. 11-13½, alt. 5-6; apert. long. 6, lat. 3-5 mill.” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha (Videna) planorbis - “Diam. max. 13,5, alt. 5, apert. lat. 5,5, alt. 4,5 mm.” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901); Trochomorpha planorbis – “Dimensions: Height 5 to 6 mm, width 15 to 17 mm, height of aperture 4 to 4½ mm” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952); Videna planorbis – “The two adults were 14.4 and 14.6 mm in diameter, 5.6 and 5.5 mm high, with 6 and 5 7/8 whorls, respectively.” (Solem, 1964)
Type locality – Videna planorbis nummus “Territorio di Sarawak” leg. Doria and Beccari (Issel, 1874)
Other localities – “Sumatra: in den Padang schen Bovenlanden, bei Telupu, Assistentresidentschaft Agam, in einer Höhe von 3500’” leg. Ludeking (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis javanica “Java: westlicher Theil bei Tjiringin” leg. Zollinger (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis javanica “Java, Residentschaft Banjumas” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis appropinquata “Borneo: westlicher Theil, auf dem Weg von Bengkajang nach Prigi, an der Granze zwischen dem Gebiet des Kapuas- und des Sambasflusses” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis lessoni “Insel Labuan bei Borneo” (Martens, 1867); Trochomorpha planorbis lessoni “Molukken: Inseln Ternate, Tidore, Mareh, Klein-Tawalli und Batjan, sowie zu Dodinga auf Halmahera” (Martens, 1867); “Mindai” (Bock, 1881); “Kusan and Penggiron districts in South-eastern Borneo” leg. W. Doherty (Aldrich, 1889); “Baramflusse” (Kobelt); “West Java: wood near Tjinjurup, Mt. Karang, 700 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Tjiringin” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Tjiminju” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Gunung Tjibodasm Tjampea, 300 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Tjiapus, Mt. Salak” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Mt. Pantjar, near Bogor, 400 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Tjibodas, Mt. Gedeh, 1400 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Sukabumi, 700 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Palabuanratu and Tjisolok, road to hot spring, 100 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Wangun, near Tjisampora, Lengkong distr.m Bungbulan, 1500 feet” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Pameungpeuk, S of Garut, 350 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Tjilaut Estate, near Garut” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “West Java: Kaliputjang, near Pangandaran, 200 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “Central Java: Residency of Banjumas” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “East Java: Kali Mrawan, 1000 m” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952): “Siquijor & Mindanao” (Möllendorff & Kobelt, 1901); “Sabah; Bukit Kipangi” (Solem, 1964); “Sabah; Dermakot” (Solem, 1964); “Sabah; Kota Belud” (Solem, 1964)
Distributions – “Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, various Lesser Sunda islands, various Moluccan islands, Philippines, New Guinea, Aru Is., New Britain” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)
“Living in the wood, on the ground, among dead leaves, low vegetation etc., moving only in moist weather. Recorded between sea-level and 1400 m.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1952)