Amphidromus lindstedti (Pfeiffer, 1856)
“The type specimen of this species is in a bleached state; when in good condition it is yellow at lower whorls, fading to white above; sometimes the lower whorls are ornamented with oblique narrow pale green stripes, with a narrow orange band at the suture.” (Fulton, 1896)
Pfeiffer (1856) original descriptions on Bulimus lindstedti – “B. testa sinistrorsa, imperforate, ovato-conica, solida, striatula, nitida, candida; spira elongate-conica, apice obtusula; anfr. 6½ convexiusculis, ultimo 3/7 longitudinis subaequante, obsolete angulato, antice rotundato; columella subverticali, vic torta; aperture fere diagonali, subsemicirculari; perist. Leviter incrassato, expanso, marginibus callo concolore junctis.”
Bulimus lindstedti – “Long. 39, diam, 17 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1856)
Type locality – “Malacca” Leg. F.W. Lindstedt (Pfeiffer, 1856)