Chloritis gabata (Gould, 1844)
“Much like H. scabriuscula in form and aperture, but quite different as to surface, color, and umbilicus.” (Gould, 1844)
“A very similar species lives on the northern and eastern part of the island of Celebes; it has been identified with S. gabata by H. Adams (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 408); but by comparing the specimens collected by Dr. Anderson with those collected by Mr. Staudinger, and named S. pilisparsa by me (Sitzungsberichte d. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde in Berlin, 1885, p. 192), I find the following differences: (1) H. gabata. Mergui. Diam. maj. 18-20½, alt. 9-10 millim. The upper whorls rising each a little above the following. Pale horn-colour, the keel somewhat darker brown, also in the last whorl; no peculiar coloration of the suture. Reflected part of the peristome narrow, about 1 millim. Umbilicus with nearly perpendicular walls. (2) H. pilisparsa. Minahassa. Diam. maj. 23, alt. 10. The three upper whorls not rising one above the other. Pale greenish grey, the suture marked with a chestnut-brown band, the keel of the last whorl of the same colour as the rest of the shell. Reflected part of the peristome broad, about 2 millim. Umbilicus with more sloping walls.” (Martens, 1889)
“Helix pilisparsa is beset with short hairlets on its upper and lower face. Gould mentions no hairs in his description of S. gabata; and Anderson's specimens have no hairs, but they are all somewhat worn, and they show some roughness, which may be due to the presence of hairs is the fresh state. Philippi describes his H. merguiensis as ‘pilis sparsis brevibus obsita’.” (Martens, 1889)
Gould (1844) original descriptions on Helix (Caracolla) gabata – “Testâ albido-corneâ, supra planulata, infra valdè convexâ, latè et profundè umbilicatâ; anfr. 4½, leviter striatis, ultimo carinâ castaneâ circumdato; aperturâ subquadratâ, labro albo, reflexo.”
Gould (1844) English descriptions on Helix (Caracolla) gabata – “Shell pale horn-color, shining, showing about four and a half whorls above, which compose a nearly discoidal spire; suture distinct; the last whorl somewhat channelled near the periphery, which consists of a prominent, obtuse, compressed, chestnut-colored carina, fully developed to the lip; beneath, greatly convex, descending suddenly into a broad, deep, tunnel-shaped umbilicus, passing nearly through the shell; surface faintly marked by the striae of growth; aperture rendered somewhat quadrangular by the junction of the lips and the two angles at the keel, and the ridge at the umbilicus; lip white, reflected, commencing below the keel, then rising to a level with it.”
Bock (1881) original descriptions on Helix smithi – “Shell thin, orbicular, umbilicated, flatly depressed, semitransparent, of a greyish white colour, covered with a thin epidermis of a light horn-colour, spire flattened. Whorls 4, flattish, sculptured with fine lines of growth, the last slightly descending at the mouth, broad, with a strongly marked obtuse keel, and a broad distinct groove above, below convex, obtusely ridged round the deep umbilicus. Aperture large, subquadrangular, oblique. Peristome thin; outer margin expanded, reflexed, especially in the umbilical region.”
Morgan (1885) original descriptions on Philidora hardouini – “Philidora testa dextrorsa,complanata translucida, cornea, ampliter umbilicata ita ut faciès inferior omnium anfractuum apparens sit, parum striata, maxime carinata usque ad aperturam: 5-6 anfractibus composita, parte superiori anfractibus complanatis et parte inferiori rotundatis; sutura lineata parum distincta; aperture obliqua, elliptica, irregulari, ante ultimo anfractu parum incisa; peristomate reflexo.”
Morgan (1885) French descriptions on Philidora hardouini – “Coquille - Dextre, aplatie, fortement ombiliquée, ce qui permet de voir dans l'ombilic la partie inférieure de tous les tours de spire, finement striée et très fortement carénée. Carène se prolongeant jusqu'à l'ouverture. Tours de spire au nombre de 5 à 6, très aplatis à la partie supérieure, renflés à la partie inférieure, suture des tours de spire à peine distincte; ouverture oblique, ovale, irrégulière, légèrement échancrée par l'avant-dernier tour de spire, péristome évasé. Couleur - Cette coquille est d'un brun corné, l'ouverture étant un peu plus claire que le reste du test.”
Helix (Caracolla) gabata – “Diameter 4/5 of an inch; height less than 2/5 of an inch.” (Gould, 1844); Helix smithi - “Greatest diameter across 21 millim., height 8 millim.” (Bock, 1881); Philidora hardouini – “Dimensions. — Largeur, 17 mm; hauteur totale, 8 mm; hauteur du cône spiral au-dessus de la carène, 0.5 mm; longueur de l'ouverture, 8 mm; largeur de l'ouverture, 5.5 mm.” (Morgan, 1885)
Type locality – Trachia gabata “Tavoy, British Burma” (Gould, 1844); Helix smithi “Paio, Sumatra.” (Bock, 1881); Philidora hardouini “vallée de Kinta, entre Lahat et Ipoh.” (Morgan, 1885)
Other localities – “Mergui, King island” (Martens, 1889); Philidora hardouini “Prang, on the Malay Peninsula.” Leg. W. L. Abbott (Dall, 1897); Philidora hardouini “Bukit Jalor, Jalor, 300 feet” (Collinge, 1903); Philidora hardouini “Malay Peninsula; Biserat in Jalor” (Laidlaw, 1933)