Plicaxis perakensis (de Morgan, 1885)
“I must confess that even the more complete description and the figure given by the author in his second memoir has not enabled me to form a decided opinion on this alleged new genus. De Morgan calls the "columellar lip" spiral, reflex, and very prominent; the figure shows a sort of spiral lamella obliquely running from the columella into the aperture, a formation which indeed resembles somewhat the columellar lamella of Rhodea. This is, however, the only resemblance to the American genus which this curious shell presents.” (Möllendorff, 1891)
Morgan (1885) original descriptions on Rhodina perakensis – “Rhodina testa cylindracea, subulata, fragili, fusca, cornea, 10 anfractibus composita, rcgulariter convoluta, striis aetatis irregulariter positis et maxime apparentibus ornata; sutura lineate et manifeste; apertura triangulata, obliqua; peristomate recto et acuto; labro columellari reflexo.”
Morgan (1885) French descriptions on Rhodina perakensis – “Coquille. - Cylindracée, subulée, fragile, composée de 10 tours de spire dont la largeur croît avec une grande régularité; stries d'accroissement très marquées et irrégulières; suture des tours de spire linéaire et très fortement marquée: ouverture triangulaire occupant un plan oblique à l'axe et formant avec ce dernier un angle d'environ 30°; péristome droit et mince; bord columellaire très réfléchi. Couleur; .Jaune corné.”
Pilsbry (1906) translation of Morgan Plicaxis perakensis – “Shell cylindric, subulate, fragile, brown, corneous, composed of 10 regularly convoluted whorls; striae of growth very well marked and irregular; suture linear and very strongly impressed. Aperture triangular, oblique, at an angle of about 30 degrees with the axis of the shell; peristome straight and thin; columellar margin much reflexed. Color corneous-yellow.”
Rhodina perakensis – “Dimensions. - Longueur, 25 mm; diamètre moyen, 3.5 mm; diamètre du dernier tour, 4.5 mm; longueur de l'ouverture, 5 mm; largeur, 3 mm.” (Morgan, 1885); Plicaxis perakensis – “Length 25, diam. in the middle 3.5, diam. of the last whorl 4.5 mm.; length of aperture 5, width 3 mm.” (Pilsbry, 1906 after Morgan, 1885)
Type locality – “mont Tchôra, près d'Ipoh (Kinta).” (Morgan, 1885).
“Habitat. - .J’ai rencontré coite espèce dans les feuilles mortes amassées entre les blocs calcaires au mont Tchôra, près d'Ipoh (Kinta) .” (Morgan, 1885)