Sinoennea chrysallis van Benthem Jutting, 1961
“Compared with the outer non-cylindrical species Sinoennea chrysallis has a much narrower umbilicus than either S. charasensis, perakensis, hungerfordiana or tweediei. From the minute S. lembingensis and the compressed S. malaccana it differs in shape, size and style of ribbing. S. kanchingensis is a largem spindle-shaped species without palatal teeth. S. chintamensis is much smaller and has the two palatal teeth on a common base. Besides it possesses a tooth at the free margin of the columellar side. In S. chintamanensis the distance between the parieto-angular lamella and the palatal tooth is larger than in S. chrysallis. S. pagodella and S. apicata are much smaller species with a more cylindrical outline. Both possess a tooth at the columellar peristome margin. S. crumenilla is also smaller and has a more sinuous peristome than S. chrysallis. S. bacca and S. glebula are more cylindrical, and have a tooth at the free edge of the columellar margin. S. glebula is, moreover, much smaller. S. leucostolos and S. callizonus are smaller, somewhat more cylindrical, with a greater distance between the parieto-angular lamella and the palatal tooth. In addition the peristome is not quite so expanded as in S. chrysallis.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Benthem-Jutting (1961) original descriptions on Sinoennea chrysallis – “Shell ovoid-cylindrical, glassy transparent, shining. Two top whorls smooth, following ones ribbed with rather strong, widely spaced vertical ribs, about 20 on the last whorl. No spiral striation. Whorls 8, the nos. 1-5 gradually increasing in width, 6 and 7 widest of all. After this the shell is tapering to the base. Profile of each whorl convex, somewhat “shouldered” in its upper part. Suture rather deep. Top pointed, but not sharp, base rounded, umbilicus distinct and partly hidden by a swelling in the distal part of the last whorl. Aperture narrow, almost vertical, quadrangular with rounded angles. Peristome continuous, adnate, broadened, reflected especially at basal and columellar side, with a strong, undulating lamella in the upper corner. To the right of this lamella the angular sinus recedes very distinctly. After this the palatal margin protrudes again, then curves backward towards the base. There are two strong teeth on the palatal side, the upper one at the edge of the peristome, the lower one deeper down. Between the upper palatal tooth and the free end of the parieto-angular lamella there is only a very short distance. Columellar margin without teeth at the free edge, but with a plate-like lamella somewhat deeper down. This lamella corresponds with a groove on the exterior of the distal part of the last whorl in the umbilical region. Between this groove and the aperture the shell is slightly swollen.”
Sinoennea chrysallis – “Dimensions: Height 4.0-4.5 mm; Width 2.2 mm; Height of aperture 1.5 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Type locality – “Malaya; Gunong Kantang, Perak” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)