Sinoennea hungerfordiana (von Moellendorff, 1886)
“Smaller and more ovate than the last. The greatest peculiarity of the species is the sinulus of the aperture. In most species of Ennea, the parietal lamella is opposed to a tooth or dentiform callosity in the outer margin of the peristome, which latter gets suddenly thinner from that place to the insertion and is more or less sinuate. Thus the lamella and tooth enclose a more or less circular orifice connected with the rest of the aperture by a small canal. In our species, the lamella is so much prolonged that if the lamella really were the continuation of the peristome. The latter is from the tooth upwards, not only suddenly attenuate, but also receding, so that the orifice or sinulus is hardly visibl in front, but appears, when the shell is turned sideways, very much like a commencing tube. The only species in which I have seen a similar formation is Ennea vara, Bens., otherwise widely different from E. hungerfordiana.” (Möllendorff, 1886)
“The shells from Bukit Baling are more finely and closely ribbed than those from Gunong Pondok. I give here an account of the numbers of ribs on the last whorl (only for the coarse ribs, not the very thin ones just behind the peristome) for specimens of the type locality and of Bukit Baling: Bukit Pondong (25, 24, 24), Perak (25, 24, 23) and Bukit Baling (29, 28, 28, 27, 26, 26, 26, 26, 25, 24). The locality Bukit Baling is situated about 60 miles to the North of Gunong Pondok. I do not consier the above mentioned differences sufficient for separating the Bukit Baling specimens either specifically or subspecifically.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Möllendorff (1886) original descriptions on Ennea hungerfordiana – “T. aperte perforate, ovato-conica, sulcis validiusculis, subtdistantibus vaerticalibus sculpta, viridescenti-crystallin; anfr. 6 ½ convexiusculi, ultimus angustior, basi valde compressus, substrangulatusm valde scrobiculatus, paullum ascendens. Apertura vaerticalis, parva, irregulariter ovalis, peristoma late expansum, margine externo ad insertionem subito attenuato, recedente, profunde sinuato. Lamella parietalis altissima, callum dentiformem marginis externi fere attingens et cum illo sinulum fere circularem formans.”
Benthem-Jutting (1961) descriptions on Sinoennea hungerfordiana – “Shell short, cylindrical-ovoid, with low or somewhat tapering apex. Glassy white, transparent, with widely spaced transverse ribs, abou 25-30 on the last whorl. Two top whorls smooth. Just behind the peristome about 4-5 ribs are standing somewhat closer together. No spiral striation. Whorls 5 ½-6 ½, periphery moderately convex, in some specimens somewhat flattened in the 4th and 5th whorls. All shells have the last whorl narrower than the preceding one. At a short distance from the aperture the exterior of the last whorl is somewhat compressed laterally, with a slight crest-like transverse inflation towards the peristome. Suture well impressed. Umbilicus rather wide. Aperture almost vertical, long-oval. Peristome not adnate, although not so trumpet-shaped as in S. tweediei. Continuous, forming an oblique sinus at the upper outer margin. All margins thickenend and reflected. The lower wall of the parieto-angular sinus projects into the aperture, forming a blunt tooth in the interior of the aperture and a groove or pit on the exterior side. Between the palatal tooth and the free end of the parieto-angular lamella there is only a very short distance. Below this tooth a second knob may occur somewhat deeper down. At the columellar side long, flat vertical fold lies deep in the throat.”
Ennea hungerfordiana – “Long. 3, diam. 1 1/3 mill.” (Möllendorff, 1886); Sinoennea hungerfordiana – “Dimensions: Height 2.8-3.2 mm; Width 1.6-1.8 mm; Height of aperture 1.1-1.3 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Type locality – “ad Buket Pondong” Leg. R. Hungerford (Möllendorff, 1886)
Other locality – “Malaya; Bukit Baling, Kedah”(Benthem-Jutting, 1961)