Sinoennea lembingensis Tomlin, 1941
Tomlin (1941) original descriptions on Sinoennea lembingensis – “A very small smooth, white shell, rather like a Vertigo in form, with six whorls; the armature consists of a strong parietal tooth, a somewhat pointed swelling on the outer lip exactly opposite to the lower end of the parietal, a small tubercle within the aperture about two-thirds of the way down at the back of the labial tooth, and a bidentate hump deeply seated within on the columella; aperture quadrate; suture well impressed; umbilicus narrow but deep.”
Benthem-Jutting (1961) descriptions on Sinoennea lembingensis – “Shell small, spindle-shaped to ovoi, glassy white, transparent, with very delicate growth lines and widely placed ribs. These ribs wear off easily, and are generally only present behind the aperture. Whorls 5 ½ (in the holotype in the British Museum, London), regularly increasing in size. Rounded, with well impressed suture. Top pointed, but not sharp. Umbilicus open, narrow. Aperture irregularly triangular to quadrate, only the basal part a little inclined backward. Without basal ridge. Peristome continuous, adnate, thickened and reflected, with a distinct flexure at the parietal side, projecting interiorly as a high crest. Columellar lamella weak, deeply seated at some distance from the edge of the aperture. Of the two palatal teeth the upper, stronger, is lying flush with the edge of the aperture, the lower, weaker one more interiorly. Behind the upper palatal tooth there is a shallow depression on the outside of the last whorl.”
Sinoennea lembingensis – “Long. vix 2 mm; diam max. 1 mm.” (Tomlin, 1941); Sinoennea lembingensis – “Dimensions: Height 1.8-2.1 mm; Width 0.9-1.0 mm; Height of aperture 0.6-0.8 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Type locality – “Bukit Chatas (=Charas), Sungei Lembing, Pahang” (Tomlin, 1941)
Other locality – “Malaya; Bukit Panching, near Sungei Lembing, Pahang” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)