Sinoennea lenggongensis Tomlin, 1939
Tomlin (1939) original descriptions on Sinoennea lenggongensis – “It has a fairly large, open umbilicus, an aperture rather less oblique and broader in proportion to length; the sutures are deeper, and the axial costulations are finer and packed much more closely together, there being about forty-five of them on the penultimate whorl; the columellar lamina is in spiral form and not a vertical thickening as it is in siputana; the palatal plica also is of different form and the lower part of it more deeply immersed.”
Benthem-Jutting (1961) descriptions on Sinoennea lenggongensis – “Shell high-cylindrical, with nearly flat top and little narrowing last whorl. In some specimens the shell profile is somewhat concave in the central part. Glassy, transparent, ribbed with regular transverse ribs, 36-40 on the last whorl. No spiral striation. Whorls 7-8, the first two smooth, the following ones ribbed with elegantly curved ribs. Profile of the whorls evenly rounded. In the lower ones the greatest diameter lies close to the upper suture, rendering the whorls a somewhat “shouldered” appearance. Suture well impressed. Top little elevated, apex blunt. Umbilicus open, but not wide. Last whorl somewhat compressed in the umbilical area. Aperture almost vertical, more or less quadrangular. Peristome adnate or just free, continuous, thickened and reflected, with, on the parietal side, a sinus bordered by a high and strong undulating lamella. On the columellar side with a knob-like, horizontal lamella. It corresponds with a pit on the exterior side of the shell in the umbilical region. On the palatal side with two teeth, the upper, larger one at the palatal margin, the lower and smaller one deeper down. The upper tooth corresponds with a pit on the exterior of the last whorl. The peristome can be adnate to the last whorl, but mostly stands just clear from it. The immature shell possesses a square aperture with 4 teeth, placed cross-wise. The tooth on the parietal wall is strongest. During further development this juvenile dentition is resorbed again. In the full grown shell there are no teeth in the spire; they appear oly at the peristome.”
Sinoennea lenggongensis – “Long. 3.5 mm., diam. max. 1.75 mm.” (Tomlin, 1939); Sinoennea lenggongensis – “Dimensions: Height 3.0-3.6 mm; Width 1.2-1.3 mm; Height of aperture 1.0-1.1 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Type locality – “Lenggong, Perak” leg. M. W. F. Tweedie (Tomlin, 1939)
Other localities – “1 mile North of Gua Badak, Lenggong, Perak” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961); “Kramat Pulai, Perak” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)