Sinoennea leucostolos van Benthem Jutting, 1961
“S. leucostolos has a much narrower umbilicus than either S. charasensis, hungerfordiana, perakensis or tweedei. S. kanchingensis is a large, spindle-shaped species without palatal teeth and S. malaccana is slightly compressed. From the minute S. lembingensis the new species differs in size, shape, ribbing, etc. S. chintamanensis is a larger and more ventricose shell, with two columellar teeth, and the palatal teeth implanted on a common base. S. pagodella is a much smaller shell with two columellar teeth and the peristome adnate or just free from the last whorl. S. apicata, although being of about the same height, is more slender, with pointed apex. It has only one palatal tooth. S. crumenilla and S. chrysallis are more obese, with a greter average of ribs on the last whorl and a very short distantce between the parieto-angular lamella and the upper palatal tooth. S. chrysalis is, moreover, a much larger species. S. bacca is higher ovoid than S. leucostolos and possesses two teeth on the columellar side of the aperture. S. glebula is more slender, with numerous vertical ribs and the lower palatal tooth placed at the basal side of the last whorl, instead of at the palatal side. S. callizonus is very similar to S. leucostolos, but has a more slender shape and more closely placed ribs.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Benthem-Jutting (1961) original descriptions on Sinoennea leucostolos – “Shell ovoid-cylinrical, glassy transparent, shining. Two top whorls smooth, the following ones ribbed by rather distantly placed, often obsolete, ribs, 18 on the last whorl. There is no spiral striation. Whorls 6 ¼, regularly increasing in diameter, the 4th and 5th of almost equal width, the 6th whorl attenuating towars the base. Profile of each whorl moderately convex, the greatest diameter lying a little above the periphery. Top a little pointed, base rounded. Umbilicus open, but not wide, somewhat hidden by a swelling of the distal part of the last whorl, just behind the peristome. Aperture almost vertical, quadrangular with rounded angles. Peristome continuous, adnate to the previous whorl, thickened, reflected, with a strong parieto-angular lamella. On the palatal side with two teeth, the upper, weaker one at the peristome edge, the lower, stronger one deep in the throat. Columellar sie with one tooth only, a rather strong plate deep in the aperture. It corresponds with a groove or pit at the exterior of the distal part of the last whorl in the umbilical region. Distally from this pit the last whorl is somewhat swollen.”
Sinoennea leucostolos – “Dimensions: Height 3.2 mm; Width 1.7 mm; Height of aperture 1.2 mm.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Type locality – “Malaya; Ulu Kenyam Kechil, Ulu Tembeling, Pahang” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)