Huttonella bicolor (Hutton, 1834)
“Huttonella bicolor is a tropical cosmopolite. Hutton’s type locality was Mirzapur, India, but as the species has been introduced into all tropical regions, it is not possible to say if Mirzapur was, indeed, its native country. It is even more likely that Africa or one of the outlaying islands of this continent was the place of origin, because almost all species of Huttonella are inhabitants of Africa, the Comores, Seychelles and Mascarene Islands.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961)
Martens (1867) descriptions on Pupa bicolor – “Testa clause rimata, cylindraceo-turrita, subtiliter striatula valde nitida, alba; spira apice obtusa; anfr, 7, vix convexiusculi, ad suturam distinctius striati; penultimus et ultimus subaequalis; ultimus basi gibbus, ad aperturam nee aseendens nec descendens; apertura verticalis, quadrata, dentibus 4 coarctata: primus plicaeformis, compressus in pariete aperturali; alter subconicus, validus in margine externo, extus foveam subquadratam efficiens; tertius parvus, obtuse conicus in margine basali; quartus profundus, linguaeformis, magnus in columella; peristoma reflexum, incrassatum.”
Vermeulen (2007) descriptions on Gulella bicolor – “Shell (very) small, cylindrical but somewhat tapering towards the apex, with a broadly rounded apex, somewhat translucent white, glossy. Whorls 6 1/8-7 3/8, slightly convexm without varices. Suture impressed. Protoconch smooth. Teleoconch smooth apart from a distinct crenallation below the suture, which develops into low, rounded, well spaced radial ribs on the last portion of the last whorl. Umbilicus closed; last whorl without swelling on the umbilical and basal side. Aperture about rectangular with rounded edges, with two distinct dents in the outer surface, on the palatal and basal side, corresponding with apertural teeth. Peristome simple, a thin glazing on the parietal side, without a notch in the margin over the parietalis, elsewhere thickened and somewhat reflected, only slightly receding on the upper palatal side. Apertural teeth; a prominent but rather short parietal lamella starting on the peristome; a distinct, more or less conical palatal tooth on the inner rim of the peristome and continuing deeper inside.”
Gulella bicolor – “Height 5.4-7 mm; width 1.3-1.7 mm. Height aperture 1.1-2.0 mm, width 1.0-1.5 mm.” (Vermeulen, 2007)
Other localities – “Pulo Pinang” (Martens, 1867); “Malakka” (Martens, 1867); “Sarawak, 1st div.: Penrissen valley, Gunung Sagu, roadside between bridge and Kampung Bunuk” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sarawak, 4th div.: Niah Caves National Park, S. side of limestone area, W. of quarry” (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Interior Prov.: Pinangah valley, Batu Urun” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Kudat Prov.: Banggi island, S. End, beach drift material” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Kudat Prov.: Karakit Hill” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Tawau Prov.: Segama Valley, hill NW. Of crossing road Sandakan-Lahad Datu with the Segama River” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Tawau Prov.: Semporna area, Pulau Bumbum near Semporna” leg. G. W. H. Davison (Vermeulen, 2007); “Sabah, Tawau Prov.: Semporna area, Pulau Selakan near Semporna” leg. G. W. H. Davison (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Timur: Sangkulirang Peninsula, Gua Ampanas near Kampong Pengadan” leg. TNC Survey 2004 (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Timur: Sangkulirang Peninsula, Gua Merdua near Kampong Pengadan” leg. TNC Survey 2004 (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Timur: Sangkulirang Peninsula, near Samarinda, Kampung Air Putih” leg. TNC Survey 2004 (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Timur: Sangkulirang Peninsula, small limestone outcrop between Bontang and Samarinda” leg. TNC Survey 2004 (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Selatan: Meratus Mts. W. Flank, Nateh near Batu Tangga, c. 18 km E. Barabai” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Selatan: Telaga Langsat” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Selatan: Batu Apoh” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007); “Kalimantan, Kalimantan Selatan: Meratus Mts. E. Of mountains, Batu Tungga near Sarungga, W. Of road Batulicin to Benualawas” leg. J. J. Vermeulen (Vermeulen, 2007)
“Huttonella bicolor occurs in cultivated plains, mostly in the coast region, but occasionally somewhat farther inland. It lives on the ground, among fallen leaves, decaying wood, preferably in damp places.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1961); “Gardens, agricultural land, secondary woodland, also in dry coastal areas. Introduced, but not observed to be invasive in primary vegetation.” (Vermeulen, 2007)