Discartemon collingei (Sykes, 1902)
“A well-depressed shell, which, in the form and position of the teeth, recalls S. siamenesis, Pfr.” (Sykes, 1902)
“Among the shells from Batu Tongkat there are a few specimens of unusually small size (the smallest shell is high 4.70 and wide 7.25 mm). The largest shell in the collection, from Gua Nenek, is high 6.20 and wide 9.90 mm. In the original description Sykes mentioned the altitude as 5 mm. and the maximal diameter as 9 mm. The small shells referred to above do not show any other differences and I think there is no need to separate them under an infraspecific name. D. collingei has been found at localities in Kelantan and also at Gua Sai, a wholly separate limestone hill 45 miles to the south in the State of Pahang. This distribution forms a conspicuous exception among those of the other Malayan discoid and helicoids Streptaxids, and an explanation of it is suggested in the introduction to this paper.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1954)
Sykes (1902) original descriptions on Streptaxis collingei – “Shell openly umbilicated, well depressed, costulated, the costae being fine and regular, hyaline or yellowish white; whorls, 6 ½-7, somewhat convex, suture well marked, the last whorl being considerably distorted. Aperture oblique, sub0quadrate, peristome expanded and reflected; parietal lamella oblique and curved, palatal teeth generally four, sometimes only three, the uppermost and lowest being the largest.”
Streptaxis collingei – “Alt. 5; diam. max. 9 millim.” (Sykes, 1902)
Type locality – “Kelantan, Malay Peninsula” leg. J. Waterstradt (Sykes, 1902)
Other localities – “Gua Sai, near Padang Tengku, Pahang” leg. H. Service/1947 (Benthem-Jutting, 1954); “Gua Nenek, Kelantan” leg. H. Service/1939 (Benthem-Jutting, 1954); “Batu Tongkat, between Gua Madu and Pulai, Kelantan” leg. H. Service/Aug. 1939 (Benthem-Jutting, 1954)