Oophana striatula (Collinge, 1902)
“This apecies is probably allied to S. theaeocola, Heude (16, p. 151., pl. xxxv, fig. 25), and also to S. borealis, Heude (16, p. 79, pl. xviii, fig. 26), but distinct, I think, from either.” (Collinge, 1902)
Collinge (1902) original descriptions on Streptaxis striatula – “Shell dextral, flattened above and below, umbilicus deep, striae fairly prominent; whorl 6, irregular, last whorl occupying the greater portion of the shell, deeply depressed above, armature consisting of one long, lamelliform projection, situated on the columella whorl; peristome reflected and slightly thickened.”
Benthem-Jutting (1954) supplementary descriptions on Oophana (Haploptychius) striatula – “The first 2 ½ whorls are smooth, the following ones coarsely ribbed, about 5 ribs to the mm close to the aperture. The ribs continue on the base of the shell, although they are somewhat less prominent there. Parietal lamella undulating, entering about 2 ½ mm, into the last whorl. Upper and lower margins of the peristome almost parallel. Exterior margin evenly rounded. No palatal teeth. Peristome not forming an angle between palatal and parietal sides of the margin.”
Streptaxis striatula – “Diam. maj. 13, min. 8.5; alt, 5 millim.” (Collinge, 1902)
Type locality – “Belimbing, State of Ligeh, State of Patani” (Collinge, 1902)