Ariophanta lahatensis de Morgan, 1885
Morgan (1885) original descriptions on Ariophanta lahatensis – “Ariophanta testa sinistrorsa, complanata translucida, cornea laeviter umbilicata, parum striata, maxime carinata, usque ad aperturam, 4-5 anfractibus composita parte superiori anfractibus complanatis et parte inferiori rotundatis; sutura lineata vix apparenti; apertura maxima, obliqua, pene rotundata, ante ultimo anfractu largiter incisa; peristomate recto et tenui; labro columellari laeviter ad umbilicum reflexo.”
Morgan (1885) French descriptions on Ariophanta lahatensis – “Coquille; Senestre, aplatie, très légèrement ombiliquée, finement striée, très fortement carénée, carène se prolongeant jusqu'à l'ouverture. Tours de spire au nombre de 4 à 5 très aplatis à la partie supérieure et rentlés à la partie inférieure, suture peu marquée, cône spiral très aplati, ouverture très grande, oblique presque ronde, très largement échancrée par l'avantdernier tour, péristome droit et aminci, bord columellaire légèrement réfléchi vers l'ombilie. Couleur; Cette espèce est entièrement blonde, transparente et vitrense.”
Laidlaw (1931) descriptions on Dyakia lahatensis – “Shell sinistral, solid, moderately elevated, umbilicus fairly wide. Colour white, whorls five, the last rather rapidly increasing, convex with suture lightly impressed. A faintly marked carina on the last whorl. Aperture sub-lunate, peristome scarcely thickened, slightly reflected towards the umbilicus. The first two and a half whorls smooth, then there appears numerous closely set spiral lines, which tend to become more strongly marked and wrinkled. These are crossed by irregular not very well marked lines of growth. The ventral surface is more polished than the upper, and the spiral lines are more faintly marked. Animal unknown.”
Chan (1996) describes the fresh-dead shell as "translucent dark cream" and the animal has a Hemiplecta spp. colouration, unlike that of Dyakia kintana specimens from Gunung Pulai (Johor) and Singapore. Adult shell is kneeled (Chan 1996).
Ariophanta lahatensis – “Dimensions; Largeur, 25 mm; hauteur totale, 14 mm; hauteur du cône spiral au-dessus de la carène, l0 mm; diamètre de l'ouverture, 13 mm.” (Morgan, 1885); Dyakia lahatensis – “Diam. max. 38 mm.; alt. 25 mm.” (Laidlaw, 1931)
Type locality – “la forêt située entre Lahat et Ipoh.” (Morgan, 1885)
Other localities – “Pulau Lantak, a small island off the west coast of the Peninsula opposite the state of Nakaun Sritamarat, some way south of the Isthmus of Kra.” (Laidlaw, 1931)