Cyclophorus aurantiacus (Schumacher, 1786)
“A number of rather large-sized specimens of Cyclophorus have been collected, which are very near to one another, but exhibit some differences in the elevation of the spire, the width of the umbilicus, and the colours of the peristome. They form a nearly continuous chain from the flat widely-umbilicated C. pernobilis, Gould, to the more turbinated narrowly-umbilicated C. malayanus, Reeve; so much so that I dare not venture to break up this chain into several distinct species, but shall enumerate the different forms as varieties, and quote for each the corresponding figures in published conchological works. The following characters are common to all these forms : — (1) A prominent, somewhat mammillate apex with moderately deep sutures and moderately vaulted, worn, reddish-brown surface of the upper whorls. (2) Faint spiral striae, sometimes almost imperceptible, and rather coarse, often wrinkle-like lines of growth on the last two whorls. (3) The periphery of the shell is slightly keeled at the beginning of the last whorl; this angularity either remains throughout to the aperture, or vanishes altogether in the larger part of the last whorl. (4) The upper surface of the last two whorls is densely marked with chestnut-brown, more or less dark, only there is a very narrow pale or whitish bandlet just above the periphery; the lower surface of the last whorl is nearly continuously dark brown near the periphery, then the brown is broken up into several narrow bandlets separated by a whitish underground, and the sides of the umbilicus are whitish, with or without brown bandlets. (5) The peristome thickened, reflected, and in most of the specimens distinctly double; its colour varies from pure yellow to pale scarlet. The aperture is somewhat more broad than high. (a) typicus: depressus, umbilico perlato, subangulato; subcarinatus, subtus maxima ex parte albus, peristomate intense aurantiaco. Diameter major testae 55-60, altitude 33-36, aperturae (incluso peristomate) diameter 28-31, altitude 27-30 millim. (PL XIV. figs. 1, 2.) Chemnitz, Conchylien- Cabinet, vol. ix. figs. 1064, 1065, copied in the new edition by Kuster and Pfeiffer, Cyclostoma, pi. 4. figs. 8, 9. Type of Annularia aurantiaca, Schumacher, 1817. The figures are drawn from a specimen found on Salang Island by Capt. John Weber, and preserved in the Zoological Museum of Berlin, for comparison's sake, as specimens of this extreme form have not been found in the localities explored by Dr. Anderson. The locality of the original specimen, described by Chemnitz, cannot be ascertained. Nevill, Hand-list, i. p. 266, mentions it from Moulmein and Pegu.” (Martens, 1889)
“Cyclophorus speciosus appears to be a species distinct from all these forms, and perhaps the same as that figured in the ' Conchologia Indica,' pi. 33. fig. 4, under the name of aurantiacus; the figure called O. speciosus in this last, is again different. The true G. malayanus, Bens., from Penang Island, is, according to the figure given by P. Stoliczka in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xli. pt. 2, pi. 10. fig. 5, remarkably more conical and elevated than any of the varieties of aurantiacus here described.” (Martens, 1889)
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) aurantiacus – “Schale weit und trichterfönnig genabelt, niedrig kreiseiförmig, festwandig, durch dichte Streifen und Spiralreifen undeutlich gegittert, schwarzbraun, braungelb und weisslich marmoriert; Apex ziemlich spitz; 5½ gewölbte Windungen, letzte sehr gross, etwas zusammengedrückt, mehr oder weniger deutlich gekielt, unten blasser mit braunen Linien; Mündung ziemlich schräg, weit, fast kreisrund, innen bläulich; Mundrand zusammenhängend, an die vorletzte Windung kurz angewachsen, verdickt, ausgebreitet, fleischfarben. Deckel eng gewunden, Windungsränder blättrig.”
Martens (1889) descriptions on Cyclophorus auranticus pernobilis – “maximus, subdepressus, umbilico paulum arctiore, subangulato; subcarinatus, peristomate rufo-aurantiaco. Diam. maj. 69, alt. 47; apert. diam. 39, alt. 35 millim. Paulo minor. Diam. maj. 60, alt. 40; apert. diam. 31-34, alt. 30 millim. King Island. Numerous distinct dark spiral bandlets on tbe lower face, and even within the umbilicus, are to be seen in the figure given by Gould and in the smaller specimens from King Island; they are scarcely perceptible in the larger specimens from King Island.”
Martens (1889) descriptions on Cyclophorus auranticus nevilli – “magnus, subturbinatus, umbilico arctiore, rotundatus, periomphalio fusco-fasciolato, peristomate aurantio. Diam. maj. 55-58, alt. 37-41; apert. diam. 30-33½, alt. 29-31 millim.”
Martens (1889) descriptions on Cyclophorus auranticus reveei – “mediocris, subturbinatus, umbilico multo arctiore, infra fasciolatus, apertura subcirculari, peristomate aurantio. Diam. maj. 52, alt. 37; apert. diam. 28, alt. 27 millim.”
Martens (1889) descriptions on Cyclophorus auranticus andersoni – “minor, subturbinatus, umbilico sat arcto, subangulatus, apertura subcirculari, peristomate rubescente. Diam. maj. 44-48, alt. 31-36; apert. diam. 24-27, alt. 23-25 millim.”
Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) aurantiacus – “H. 32, Durchm, 58:46 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – Cyclophorus auranticus andersoni “Owen Island” (Martens, 1889); Cyclophorus auranticus reveei “Mergui – King island, Sullivan island & Elphinstone island” (Martens, 1889); Cyclophorus auranticus nevilli “Sullivan island, Salang island” leg. Weber (Martens, 1889); Cyclophorus auranticus pernobilis “Tavoy” (Gould, 1844)