Cyclophorus expansus (Pfeiffer, 1851)
“The only other species of Cyclophorus which I have to mention, and which has been described from Penang, is C. pfeifferi of Reeve. It belongs to the section of C. tuba with a very much expanded peristome, without any markedly straight inner, or produced basal portion. E. v. Martens (I. cit. p. 134) states that it is probably not constantly different from C. tuba, but setting aside the more inflated whorls of the latter species, I believe, pfeifferi also differs from the last by a much more rapid increase of the volutions. In this point, as well as in the flattened and angular shape of the whorls, it, however, quite agrees with expansus, and a large specimen of this last from Tenaserim scarely at all differs from Reeve’s illustration; I would, therefore, be inclined to regard pfeifferi as identical with expansus.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
Pfeiffer (1851) original descriptions on Cyclostoma expansum – “C. testâ umbilicatâ, turbinato-subglobosâ, solidiusculâ, spiraliter confertim striatâ, opacâ, superné castaneo wt albido variegatâ; spirâ conoideâ, apice acutiusculâ; anfractibus 5, convexiusculis, ultimo convexiore, dilatato, peripheriâ subcarinato, basi fasciis angustis castaneis ornate; umbilico angusto, pervio; aperturâ subverticali, feré circulari; peristomate subsimplice, continuo, breviter adnato, pallidé aurantiaco, undique aequaliter angulatim plano-expanso, margine subrevoluto. Operculum?”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) expansus – “Schale eng und durchgehend genabelt, kugelig kreiseiförmig, ziemlich festwandig, undurchsichtig, mit dichten Spirallinien, oben kastanienbraun und weiss gescheckt; Apex ziemlich spitz; 5 ziemlich gewölbte Windungen, letzte stärker gewölbt, verbreitert, fast gekielt, unten mit schmalen kastanienbraunen Binden; Mündung fast senki'echt, ziemlich kreisrund; Mundrand fast einfach, zusammenhängend, kurz angewachsen, blass orangefarben, ringsum gleichmassig im Winkel ausgebreitet, am Eande fast eingerollt.”
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) pfeifferi – “Schale massig weit genabelt, kugelig kreiseiförmig, ziemlich dünn, ziemlich scharf gekielt, weisslich mit bräunlichen Linsenflecken über dem Kiel und einer breiten Binde darunter; Gewinde ziemlich hoch; Windungen abgerundet, mit dichten, leicht gekörnelten Spiralreifen, letzte nach der Mündung hin aufgeblasen, abgerundet, um den Nabel mit braunen Linien; Mundrand sehr weit flach ausgebreitet, orangerot.”
Cyclostoma expansum – “Diam. maj. 30, min. 22, alt. 19 mill.” (Pfeiffer, 1851); Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) expansus – “H. 19, Durchm. 30:22 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902); Cyclophorus (Salpingophorus) pfeifferi – “H. 34, Durchm. 53 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “___?”(Pfeiffer, 1851)
Other localities - “Penang” (Stolizcka, 1872); “Malay Peninsula; Perak” (Laidlaw, 1928); “Malay Peninsula; Koh Si Han, Tale Sap, Singgora” (Laidlaw, 1928)