Crossopoma umbraticus (van Benthem Jutting, 1949)
“The species is related to Cyclotus amabilis Fulton, from North Borneo, C. variegates Sow. from the Philippines and the Sulu Archipelago, C. palawanicus Smith from Palawan, C. nigrispirus P. & F. Sarasin from North Celebes and C. auriculatus Kobelt, from the Philippines, but it is sufficiently distinct to stand as a new species.” (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Benthem-Jutting (1949) original descriptions on Cyclotus umbraticus – “Shell depressed, whorls nearly all in one plane, apex hardly projecting. Ground colour yellowish-brown above the periphery, somewhat darker brown below it. Along the periphery there runs a narrow band, whitish or golden yellow. Parallel with it and below it there is a narrow dark-brown band. Above the periphery the shell is ornamented with irregular diffuse blothes or zig-zag stripes of dark-brown colour. Below the periphery this same ornamentation, still more dilute, may be present also; in other cases the surface is plain here. Apex of the same colour as the rest of the shell. Initial whorls smooth, following one striped, according to lines of growth. From about whorl 2 ½-3 onward a peculiar rugosity in the surface appears, sometimes composed of anastomosing wrinkles, sometimes elegantly arranged in chevrons. Umbilicus wide showing all previous whorls. Ultimate whorl descending towards aperture. Interior of aperture white. Aperture circular, oblique. Peristome duplicate, white. Outer rim reflected and with a short notch at the point where the aperture reaches the penultimate whorl. Along this notch the outer rim of the peristome is folded, so as to make an incomplete funnel (as in species of Pterocyclus) in the largest shell.”
Cyclotus umbraticus – “Dimensions: Max. diam. – 15.6-26.2 mm; Min. diam. – 11.4-20.7 mm; Height – 7.0-12.0 mm. (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Type locality – “Maxwell’s Hill, 700 feet” leg. Benthem-Jutting/Apr. 23, 1904 (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)
Other localities – “Maxwell’s Hill, 2,200 feet” leg. Benthem-Jutting/Apr. 20, 1904; “Gunong Brinchang, Pahang/ 4,500-5,500 feet” leg. Benthem-Jutting/Mar. 1935 (Benthem-Jutting, 1949)