Lagochilus trochoides Stoliczka, 1872
“This is the largest species as yet known of the genus, the more regularly conical form, angular whorls, numerous spiral striae, absence of brown spots on the shell, etc., readily separate it from L. scissimargo. The fine transverse striolation of the cuticle is very easily worn off, but the spiral striation is always very distinct, and well marked even after the removal of the cuticle. Young shells have a striking resemblance to those of Cremnoconchus syhadrensis, they are comparatively more largely umbilicated than adult ones, and their cuticle is more or less distinctly olive, while in the latter it is dark brown in fresh specimens, often becoming reddish brown in dried ones.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
Stoliczka (1872) original descriptions on Lagocheilus trochoides – “L. testa turrito conica, sub-anguste umbilicata; anfractibus sex, sutura profunda simplici junctis, primis duobus convexis, ceteris supra medium angulatis, ultimo bi-angulato; omnibus cuticula opaca-fusca indutis, transversim striolatis, spiraliter striatis, striis filiformibus: duabus in anfractu penultimo supra angulum subdistantibus, infra angulum 4-5 approximatis; in anfractu ultimo angulis duobus ad intervalla breviter ciliatis; basi in adultis prope peripheriam et ad umbilicum, in junioribus omnino, confertim striata; testa sub cuticulum albida, ad apicem rubescente; aperture rotundata, modice obliqua, in angulo superior vel postico distinct incisa, bilabiata: labio interno breviore, violaceo tincto, externo fere plane expansiusculo, in facie conventrice striolato, ad marginem exteriorem atrato. Operculum multispiratum, tenue, corneum."
Kobelt (1902) descriptions on Japonia (Lagochilus) trochoides – “Schale ziemlich eng genabelt, getürmt kegelförmig, weisslich, Apex rötlich, mit braunem Periostracum; 6 Windungen mit tiefer, einfacher Naht, die 2 obersten gewölbt, die folgenden über der Mitte kantig, gestreift, mit Spiralreifen, die vorletzte mit 2 ziemlich weitläufigen Keifen über der Kante und 4 oder 5 dichten unter derselben, letzte Windung mit 2 kurz behaarten Kanten, Unterseite bei erwachsenen Schalen gegen die Mitte der Windung und den Nabel hin, bei jungen überall mit Spiralreifen; Mündung massig schräg, abgerundet, im oberen Winkel deutlich eingeschnitten; Mundrand doppelt: innerer kürzer, violett, äusserer fast flach ausgebreitet, konzentrisch gestreift, schwarz gesäumt. Deckel dünn, mit vielen Windungen.”
“The animal is pale grey, the body itself being slightly darker than the foot; the rostrum is long, deeply cleft in front, reddish at the base; tentacles long, and thin, dark grey, blackish towards the tips; eyes on their outer base on indistinct bulging; a dark pedal row, moderately swollen, extends from the lower base of the rostrum to behind the operculum, from which a deep, narrow grandular slit proceeds along the middle to the end of the foot.” (Stoliczka, 1872)
Lagocheilus trochoides – “Diam. maj. 10, diam. Min. 8, alt. testae 9.6, diam. Apert. int. 4.2, externae 5 mm.” (Stoliczka, 1872); Japonia (Lagochilus) trochoides – “H. 9.6, Durchm. 10:8 mm.” (Kobelt, 1902)
Type locality – “Penang” (Stoliczka, 1872)
Other localities – “de Lahat et de Gôping (Kinta)” (Morgan, 1885)
Habitat – “On large stones between decaying vegetable matter at an elevation of from 200 to about 1000 feet.” (Stoliczka, 1872)