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Home » Taxon Pages » Animalia » Mollusca » Gastropoda » Sigmurethra » Helicarionoidea » Ariophantidae » Ariophantinae » Ariophanta -
Taxon Pages
Authors | Title |
Year of Publication![]() |
S.Y. Chan | A brief collecting trip to Perak, West Malaysia. part one. | 1998 |
S.Y. Chan | A brief collecting trip to Perak, West Malaysia. part two | 1998 |
S.Y. Chan | On Dyakia salangana (Martens,1883) with some notes on Rhiostoma chupingensis (Tomlin,1938) and two supposed endemics from West Malaysia | 1996 |
A.J. Berry | A collection of land Mollusca from limestone in Ulu Kelantan. Part 5. | 1965 |
F.F. Laidlaw | Noted on the Genus Dyakia, with a list of the species | 1963 |
W.S.Svan Benthe Jutting | Some notes on land and freshwater Mollusca of Malaya | 1960 |
F.F. Laidlaw | A list of the land and fresh-water Mollusca of the Malay peninsula | 1933 |
F.F. Laidlaw | On a new sub-family Dyakiinae of the Zonitidae | 1931 |
W.E. Collinge | Report on the non-operculate land Mollusca | 1903 |
O.F. von Moellendorff | On the land and freshwater shells of Perak | 1891 |
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