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Home » Taxon Pages » Animalia » Mollusca » Gastropoda » Architaenioglossa » Cyclophoroidea » Pupinidae » Pupinellinae » Schistoloma » Schistoloma sumatranum (Dohrn, 1881) -
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Schistoloma sumatranum (Dohrn, 1881)
Authors | Title |
Year of Publication![]() |
S.Y. Chan | A brief collecting trip to Perak, West Malaysia. part one. | 1998 |
G.W.H. Davison | The terrestrial mollusca fauna of Temengor Forest Reserve, Hulu Perak, Malaysia. | 1995 |
W.S.Svan Benthe Jutting | On a collection of non-marine mollusca from Malaya in the Raffles Museum, Singapore, with an appendix on cave shells | 1949 |
F.F. Laidlaw | A list of the land and fresh-water Mollusca of the Malay peninsula with notes | 1928 |
E.R. Sykes | On the land operculate Mollusca collected during the "Skeat Expedition" to the Malay Peninsula in 1899-1900 | 1903 |
W. Kobelt | Cyclophoridae | 1902 |
O.F. von Moellendorff | On the land and freshwater shells of Perak | 1891 |
H. Dohrn | Neue ostasiatische Landconchylien | 1881 |
H. Crosse | Mollusques nouveaux de perak (Indo-Chine) | 1879 |
F. Stolicka | On the land shells of Penang Island, with descriptions of the animals and anatomical notes; part first, Cyclostomacea | 1872 |